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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Restructuring corporate banking in India

India’s corporate banking sector has been going through a significant restructuring over the past five years. On one hand, state banks are working to improve their balance sheets after accumulating a large amount of non-performing loans (NPLs). On the other hand, Basel-III requirements have raised the minimum capital requirements for banks. As a result, it has become more costly for corporate banks to lend at the same time that the country’s growth requires capital to fuel it.

Unlocking green infrastructure investment

Green infrastructure investment isn’t happening at the speed and scale needed to meet the UK’s policy goals. UK government must intervene now to unlock private-sector investment, via long-term commitment, strategic public spending and issuance of a sovereign green bond, argues Alex White, senior policy officer at the Aldersgate Group.

Blending capital to fill the ocean’s fisheries finance gap

Overfishing is one of the world’s persistent environmental challenges. It results in fewer fish in the sea, less food on plates and ultimately decreased jobs along our coasts. For these reasons, global leaders agreed to the target to end overfishing as part of goal 14 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Experience to date has shown that this target can be met (albeit not likely by the 2020 target date), but it will cost money.

Balancing long-term liabilities with market opportunities


How are institutional investors’ strategic objectives being impacted by economic and political factors? In a global environment fraught with risk, to what degree are these investors able to act tactically while maintaining their long- term strategic focus?

The risk of becoming irrelevant: What open banking and regulations mean for banks

Traditional banking as we know it is undergoing some major changes.

How to limit global warming to 1.5°C

According to a draft of a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to be finalised and published by October 2018, there is a "very high risk" that the world will miss the target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by the 2040s. What actions need to be taken so that the world gets back on track to achieve the target?

Renminbi rising

Embracing a pattern of change: Model Innovation across banking, insurance and asset management

 “This is a world of six-month product development cycles and constant updates, primarily of software, with a huge premium on simple user interfaces and trusted security.”
These are the words of Christine Lagarde, managing director of the international monetary fund (IMF) in a 2017 speech at a Bank of England conference in London. She was outlining her vision of the financial services sector in the year 2040. She adds this is “a world where data is king. A world of many new players without imposing branch offices.”

Corporate treasurer viewpoints: Baudouin Courau at Faurecia in France

Please watch Baudouin Courau, Vice President financing and Treasury, at Faurecia in France, share his views on the risks and opportunities of third-parties and cyber security.

The 2017 Eurofinance conference brought together leading corporate treasury to discuss third-party risks and cyber-security

The recent EuroFinance annual flagship conference, International Cash & Treasury Management, in Barcelona, Spain, provided a fantastic platform to launch a new Economist Intelligence Unit report, Third-party risks: the cyber dimension, sponsored by Deutsche Bank. The session was part of the main afternoon programme and brought together leading corporate treasury experts and information security experts to discuss the key issues around data protection, cyber-security risks for the corporate treasury function and the type of response needed to protect the corporate treasury function.

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