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Perfect timing: Hong Kong’s Renley Watch Group can count on double-digit growth in China

As the links between Hong Kong and mainland China have developed, in step with the Chinese economy, the mainland has transformed from a manufacturing base for Hong Kong firms into arguably their most promising market. Well-established trade and cultural links, and the rising affluence of many mainland consumers, have made it an ideal destination for Hong Kong brands seeking to expand beyond a relatively small domestic playing field.

Exploring the changing global landscape for UK companies

Research Methodology

For this report, the Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed senior executives from a wide range of UK organisations on where they saw the challenges and opportunities of doing business internationally over the next three years.

African growth resilient to low commodity prices

Global Fraud Report 2008-2009

Fraud is a fact of corporate life. But the threat, and the way companies tackle it, changes over time. Kroll accordingly commissioned its second annual survey from the Economist Intelligence Unit of nearly 900 senior executives worldwide, 46% of whom are C-level executives such as CEOs, CFOs and CIOs, to obtain an accurate impression of the challenge fraud is presenting today. The key findings include:
Fraud, and vulnerability to it, is already widespread and increasing according to a variety of metrics.

Performance agenda: an international government survey

Research Methodology

KPMG’s Global Government Services commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit to produce this report on the Performance agenda: an international government survey.

The report is based on the following research activities:

Rising consumption rising influence

How Asian consumerism will reshape the global electronics industry

Operating risk in emerging markets

Research Methodology

Mid-market perspectives

Research Methodology

During February 2011, the EIU conducted a survey of 527 executives of private and public companies with annual revenues between $50 million and $1 billion. The survey included questions about business metrics (pre-, mid- and post-recession), plans for growth (financing, global expansion, headcount), as well as the executives’ outlook for the future and what they view as potential obstacles to success. Concurrently, the EIU conducted individual interviews with 15 chief executive officers of mid-market companies.

New routes to the Middle East

Research Methodology

New routes to the Middle East: Perspectives on inward investment and trade is an Economist Intelligence Unit report that gauges the views of companies from emerging and developed markets on doing business in the Middle East. The analysis focuses primarily on 16 Middle Eastern and North African markets: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

Global manufacturing outlook

Research Methodology

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