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Redrawing the map

Global Fraud Report 2008-2009

A brave new world

Among the many signs of China’s increasing economic power has been a surge in the number of Chinese companies seeking to buy assets overseas. In 2009, while developed economies remained mired in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, Chinese companies made a record number of crossborder acquisitions—some 298 in total. Much of China’s investment has been welcomed by cashstrapped Western companies that would be hard-pressed to survive without it. But China’s buying spree has raised a number of concerns, particularly where it has involved state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

Africa trade: Diversification needed

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Executive Summary

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Up or out

The Globe Shopper City Index - Europe

Research Methodology

The Globe Shopper City Index - Europe measures the attractiveness of 33 major European cities for international travel shopping. It is composed of 22 indicators, aggregated into five categories: shops; affordability; convenience; hotels and transport; culture and climate. Eleven of the 22 indicators are based on quantitative data, nine indicators are based on qualitative scores, and two indicators are based on quantitative data and qualitative assessments. The Economist Intelligence Unit developed the indicators and categories independently.

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