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Contextual marketing: The next steps in the evolution of marketing

Contextual marketing—it’s the current buzzword among marketers and, arguably, the next step in the evolution of marketing beyond personalisation.

A UK perspective on contextual marketing

The information that marketers can collect about their customers and prospects is becoming ever more granular, thanks to digital technology. Once, marketers were lucky if they could tell the age and sex of an individual. Now, as social media and mobile devices penetrate our lives, our thoughts, habits, locations and buying intentions are increasingly available to marketers.

An Italian perspective on contextual marketing

A Nordic perspective on contextual marketing

Understanding customers is one of the core tenets of marketing – if you know who your customers are and what they like, you are much better equipped to offer them products, services and discounts that compel them to purchase.

Prospects for real estate

A Dutch perspective on contextual marketing

As the ability to capture information about customers and prospects increases, marketers are learning to deal with the subtleties of the data they collect and use them to communicate their brand message effectively.

A French perspective on contextual marketing

As the world of digital marketing evolves and brands are able to collect more types of data about their audiences, marketers are moving past segmentation and personalisation to using the contextual data of customers and prospects to craft messaging. By analysing information such as a consumer’s purchase intent, current location or online activity, marketers have the chance to target their messages more precisely and to make better use of their marketing budgets.

European retailers' perspective on contextual marketing

To investigate the use of contextual marketing in Europe, The EIU conducted a survey of west European chief marketing officers, 50% of whom were from retail companies, as well as interviews with a series of marketing executives from across the region.

A European perspective on contextual marketing

A European perspective on contextual marketing

A recent survey by The EIU, sponsored by SAP, reveals that west European marketers are already collecting a large quantity of contextual information about their customers and prospects. Two-thirds are using some of that information to help them identify and communicate with prospects, among other marketing objectives.

Beyond personalisation

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