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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




Transforming African agriculture

This paper is an investigation into new kinds of public-private partnerships in agriculture and how they are changing development in Africa.

Getting tough on obesity

I don't like seeing a small child drinking a huge soda. It´s like a monkey smoking a cigarette: unsettling, unnatural and unlikely to end well.

Social conflict in Peru's mining sector

Lima - The shopping malls and restaurants are packed, the parks full of children riding new scooters and bikes; reflections of Peruvian consumers´ confidence as we start 2013.

A nutritious argument

Last month, global thought leaders gathered in South Africa to discuss the challenge of boosting crop yields and nutrition at the “Feeding the World: Africa’s Role in Solving the Global Food Crisis” Economist Conference.

Nobody can do this alone

In an earlier posting on this page, Dougal Thomson wrote: “the only way the world can feed seven billion…is by forming cross-stakeholder alliances”. I agree.

Energy efficiency and energy savings

 Report Summary

Key findings of the report, Energy efficiency and energy savings: a view from the building sector, include:                                                         

Biochar in Africa

Occasionally you learn about a project that, scaled up properly, could make a massive contribution to sustainability efforts.

The great ideological struggle of the 21st Century

I recently interviewed Chandran Nair, author of Consumptionomics: Asia's role in reshaping capitalism and saving the planet. In this interview, Chandran discusses why the battle of ideas in Asia will define our future.

Food vs fuel is corny

You may know that the US is suffering its worst drought since 1956. The US Department of Agriculture's Drought Map, updated regularly, looks painfully red right now.

Microinsurance in Africa

I wrote previously that to get to grips with food security we need better cross-stakeholder partnerships.

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