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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




Bringing the green economy to the blue world

When writers search for similes to convey a sense of unfathomable vastness, they often look no further than the ocean—this expansive blue world that humanity is simultaneously removed from and so dependent upon.

Navigating ocean sustainability: Three actions for the seafood industry

Around a billion people rely on seafood as their primary source of protein and important nutrients. However it is an emergent humanitarian crisis that the primary source of food for a billion people is at risk.

Visionaries Unbound Website

For more information on the Visionaries Unbound event series, please go to .

Revaluing ecosystems: Visions of a better future

Report Summary

The Great Barrier Reef has lost half its coral in less than 30 years. In under a decade, we’ve lost forests across an area as big as the US east of the Mississippi. With populations growing at an unprecedented rate, what will our natural world look like in 2025? Can these trends be reversed or slowed? Environmentalists, investors, professors and executives at major companies discussed these questions and others at a recent Rockefeller Foundation-backed meeting. Learn what they had to say in our “Revaluing ecosystems: Visions of a better future” report.

Empowering Smallholder Farmers

Zipporah Biketi, a farmer in western Kenya, couldn't believe her eyes: 20 bags of maize, each weighing 90 kilos or so.. It was a yield 10-times greater than the previous season. She called it her “miracle harvest” and made possible by development work focussing on developing the smallholder farmer.

New interest in seafloor mining revives calls for conservation

New interest in the exploitation of seabed minerals has led to the revival of old concerns for the preservation of our oceans, argues Michael W. Lodge, Deputy to the Secretary-General and Legal Counsel of the International Seabed Authority, and speaker at the upcoming World Ocean Summit hosted by The Economist in partnership with National Geographic Society.

The impact of ageing infrastructure in process manufacturing industries

Report Summary

Process manufacturing companies in the oil and gas, utilities, chemicals and natural resource industries rely on proprietary infrastructure to run their operations. Much of this infrastructure is rapidly ageing, thus increasing the risk of failure. Subsequent disruptions hamstring operations and impede opportunities for growth, with the impact of these interruptions felt worldwide. As a result, executives in these industries must make tough decisions about where, when and how much to invest in infrastructure upgrades.

Visionaries Unbound Website

For more information on the Visionaries Unbound event series, please go to 


Transforming cities: Visions of a better future

Report Summary

What will best prepare cities for this massive growth? How will residents cope? Mayors, architects, bankers, slum activists and entrepreneurs explored these and other burning questions at a recent Rockefeller Foundation-backed meeting. Learn what they had to say in our “Transforming Cities: Visions of a better future” report. 

Intelligent manufacturing: Targeting better energy efficiency

As policy makers, business and society tackle the complex challenges around climate change, industry is increasingly coming under the spotlight. Manufacturing activities account for around one-third of the world’s total final energy demand; as populations continue expanding and living standards continue rising, industrial demand for energy is set to grow further. Targeting better industrial energy efficiency—first and foremost the efficiency of the manufacturing processes at the core of industry—is the most effective lever available to curb industrial energy consumption.

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