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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




Sustainable at every level?

Playing the Long Game-English

Building climate change resilience in cities - The private sector's role - case studies

Building climate change resilience in cities - The private sector's role

Coastal Governance Index

The power of oil: Back to a new reality

This article considers the arc of developments in the oil industry. And reflects on the challenges, price movements and the need to have an energy dense transport fuel.

Urban infrastructure insights 2015 - Versión española

Future proofing cities

Today nearly 4bn people live in cities. That number is expected to increase by 2.5bn by 2050, with over 90% of the growth occurring in Asia and Africa. These regions, however, lack the resources to adapt to the forces of urbanisation.

Encouraging Sustainable Behaviour

Helping customers and citizens to lead greener lives.

Arctic Summit 2014 - panel

The Economist's James Astill chairs a panel discussion on investing in the Arctic

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