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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




The cost of inaction

Report Summary

A free option on the mispricing of carbon

The Swedish public pension fund Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4) is governed by legislation that requires it to take sustainability into account, but without giving up returns. When AP4 decided to scrutinise the climate-related risks in its investment portfolio, it began by measuring the carbon footprint of the S&P 500 index. The pension fund’s managers decided that, as they sought to mitigate the climate-related risk in their holdings in the index, they did not want to take any sector stances—specifically, they did not want to take any explicit bets against fossil fuels.

Motivations for investors

As growing numbers of institutional investors address the climate-related risks in their investment portfolios, they are driven to act by risk management goals, financial returns and regulatory mandates. For those that have not yet taken steps to address the long-term risks they face, here are some reasons to do so:

The cost of inaction

Research Methodology

The Internet of trash

The amount of waste we throw away is growing at an alarming rate. The Internet of things could help reverse the trend.

Agriculture in high-growth markets

Research Methodology

The findings of this white paper are based on desk research and interviews with food and agriculture experts conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The research was sponsored by Passion Céréales, an umbrella organisation for French crop producers. The Economist Intelligence Unit bears sole responsibility for the content of this report. The findings and views expressed in the report do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor.

Something in the air

With urban populations growing, the quality of air that much of the world breathes is under grave threat.

Energy efficiency and energy savings

Research Methodology

Societal purpose

Research Methodology


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