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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




There is no Planet B

Jose Maria Figueres on high seas.

World Ocean Summit 2014 - Rachel Kyte talks about the ocean

Rachel Kyte discusses 

  • Global Partnership for Oceans
  • Financial innovation work

Gita Wirjawan, Minister of Trade, Indonesia

Gita Wirjawan, Minister of Trade, Indonesia

Moving up and on: Natural resources and sustainability

Highlights from Natural resources and sustainability session at the Indonesia Summit 2013:

  • How will recent export regulations on raw materials help sustain the economic growth? What is missing?
  • What are the implications of the new regulations on Indonesia’s importers?
  • How would moving up the value chain help the country fulfil the goal of self-sufficiency?
  • Will the focus on economic development put sustainability on the back burner?

Arctic Summit 2014: Panel

 A discusison on managing operational, technical and environmental risk

Arctic Summit 2014

Video highlights from the Arctic Summit 2014: New Horizons for trade and economic development 

Arctic Summit 2014 - Industry focus: Shipping

A panel discussion on shipping, and how it is developing in the Arctic

Arctic Summit 2014 - Conservation priorities for the Arctic

A presentation from Rod Downie, Polar Programme Manager, WWF UK

Arctic Summit 2014 - Climate change and the Arctic

A presentation from Sir Brian Hoskins, Director Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College.

Arctic Summit 2014 - Opening up the Arctic to economic development

A presentation by Mark Simmonds, Minister of Polar Regions, UK

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