Infographic | New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in South-East Asia

Infographic | New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in North Asia

Infographic | New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in India

Infographic | New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in Australia

New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in North Asia

Economist Impact, supported by Google Workspace, conducted a survey of more than 600 knowledge workers across Asia Pacific about their experiences with hybrid or flexible work.

New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in India

Economist Impact, supported by Google Workspace, conducted a survey of more than 600 knowledge workers across Asia Pacific about their experiences with hybrid or flexible work.

New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in Australia

Economist Impact, supported by Google Workspace, conducted a survey of more than 600 knowledge workers across Asia Pacific about their experiences with hybrid or flexible work.

New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in South-East Asia

Economist Impact, supported by Google Workspace, conducted a survey of more than 600 knowledge workers across Asia Pacific about their experiences with hybrid or flexible work.

Recovery, Resilience and the Road Ahead: Rethinking US Workplace Priorities to Pursue Short- and Long-term Success

Waves of substantial disruption are the norm in business, not the exception. The challenges of 2020-21 have been unusual, but workers and organisations can never assume that stability will persist. The US employment landscape was already seeing substantial transformation long before 2020. That said, covid-19 has revealed the future of work faster than anyone expected. Digitalisation has accelerated; widespread working from home has left many workers eager for more; and the joint experience of navigating through immense disruption has profoundly affected workplace relations.

Pride and Prejudice: The next chapter of progress

For many, the United States Supreme Court decision in 2015 to legalise same-sex marriage nationwide was a recent high-water mark for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights, an inspiring moment that served as the culmination of decades of struggle. Although the past few years of turbulent political shifts, trade wars and a major pandemic have seen the global spotlight shift away from LGBT rights, they have not been without significant victories, especially in Asia.

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