Acquiring innovation in the UK

Progress Makers at Work: Building corporate cultures of progress

In today’s era of hyper-innovation and relentless competition, businesses around the world need to attract, engage and nurture individuals that embody a highly valued profile: the progress maker. Today this new breed of change agents has the capabilities to bring to their jobs a heightened global awareness, unprecedented digital empowerment and, increasingly, an innate motivation to do meaningful work with significant impact—both within their own organizations and in society at large.

Let the bright sparks fly

There’s a lot of talk about innovation, but in some policy areas more action is needed to allow it to flourish.

SMEs and Global Growth: The High-Tech Advantage

To a greater extent every day, information technology is levelling the playing field for small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs). Export markets, in particular, are no longer the exclusive domain of large players with the resources to field global sales and production staffs. Today, even startups can use the Internet to sell abroad, and to commission foreign firms to produce their designs cheaply.

Bridging the gap in a new technology paradigm - Chinese

在移动支付、线上金融管理和电子商务等新技术的快速采用和频繁使用方面,中国消费者处于世界领先水平。在消费者的带动之下,中国企业正在采用新技术来提供产品和服务,并将此举视为未来成功的关键。虽然目前中国的技术领军企业如阿里巴巴、腾讯和百度在全球已有相当的知名度,但小型技术公司或传统行业中公司的技术采用情况却较少为人所知。为更好地了解后者的技术采用情况,经济学人智库(The Economist Intelligence Unit, EIU)对350家中国公司进行了调查,包括其对采用技术解决方案改善产品或服务所持的态度、计划和战略。调查的主要对象是金融、零售和医疗行业的公司。调查的主要发现包括:

Bridging the gap in a new technology paradigm

China’s consumers lead the world in their fast adoption and frequent use of new technologies such as mobile payments, online financial management and e-commerce. With consumers setting the pace, Chinese companies are adopting new technologies to deliver products and services, and view this uptake as crucial for future success.

How are China's legacy companies crossing the technological bridge?

Bridging the gap in a new technology paradigm

While the world now hears much about China’s big technology players Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu, less is known about smaller tech players or about the technology adoption of companies in traditional industries. To shed light on the latter, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) surveyed 350 companies across China on their attitudes, plans and strategies toward adopting technology solutions to improve their products or services, with a focus on the finance, retail and healthcare industries. The key findings are:

SMEs and Global Growth

This EIU article series, sponsored by Mazars, explores the challenges facing mid-market firms when expanding internationally for the first time. They look at companies in a range of industries and home markets and show how these have responded to the challenges. 

Read and download all five articles below.


Innovating at Scale: Gabriel Baertschi

Grünenthal CEO Gabriel Baertschi​ explains the company's business model transformation

The innovation mindset

Big companies can pioneer innovative business models too. In this video, Nick Lansley, former head of innovation at Tesco Labs, explains how large firms can foster a culture that drives business model innovation.

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