Leading transformation in manufacturing: Case studies in technology-driven innovation

To examine the opportunities and challenges this convergence presents, and to understand the role of technology executives in leading the organisational transformation required to capitalise on it, The Economist Intelligence Unit interviewed executives from three manufacturers pursuing digital transformation: 

The network highway of tomorrow: Redefining enterprise networking

This report explores the drivers that will shape enterprise networking in the near future. We explore the opportunities for organisations to redefine their networking infrastructure to best support computing advances in cloud and virtualisation, and the actionable takeaways for how companies can achieve the best results.

Asia’s digital millennials: Opportunities for businesses

To keep up with increasingly sophisticated millennial consumers in Asia, companies in the region must be prepared to make a number of changes, from hiring staff to the products and platforms they build, including overhauling their online and offline strategies and thinking differently about their internal processes and the overall consumer journey.

Digital platforms and services: A development opportunity for ASEAN

Digital platforms and services stimulate economic growth and development. Countries are looking to the “internet economy” to provide new market opportunities and help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as promoting economic growth and sustainable industralisation, a process often relying on an increase in online access rates and smartphone penetration.

Making the most of opportunity: Pharmaceutical strategy in Asia

The growth potential of Asia’s pharmaceutical markets is astounding. Indeed, pharmaceutical spending in the region is projected to rise faster than GDP. However, pharmaceutical companies face a variety of strategic challenges. Making the most of opportunity: Pharmaceutical strategy in Asia, an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report sponsored by the Singapore Economic Development Board, explores how pharmaceutical companies operating in Asia can best navigate opportunities for continued expansion.

Achieving net zero: How to accelerate innovation

A bold innovation agenda—stretching from early-stage technology development to full commercialisation—will be essential to achieve net zero emissions by mid-century as called for by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, argues Nick Molho, executive director at the Aldersgate Group.

Redefining limits: The future of sports and technology

Technology has helped propel a better understanding of the science of training and the readiness of athletes, which have both continued to redefine the limits of athletes and para athletes. This programme explores the future relationship of sports and technology via topics ranging from running, swimming, athletic longevity, sports entertainment, nutrition and neuroscience.

Prioritisation and precision: How artificial intelligence and design thinking will transform technology production

Two major developments in technology hardware production dynamics—adoption of advanced innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI) and growing adherence to design thinking—are giving executives in the technology industry opportunities to experiment, optimise and boost agility, particularly as product design grows in importance within the production process.

Priorities of progress: understanding citizens' voices

Commissioned by Nitto Denko, The Economist Intelligence Unit produced a global study Priorities of progress: understanding citizens’ voices, that sheds light on citizens’ priorities among issues that range from healthcare, education, social protection, public safety, R&D, to the environment and transport infrastructure. The report builds insights from a 50-country citizen survey and interviews with a panel of experts and measures survey responses against publicly available spending data of governments.


富有和经常全球旅行的人的医疗习惯可以为先进医疗科技融入人们生活的方式提供范例,也可能为科技在未来的广泛采用做下铺垫。为探究这种现象,经济学人智库(The Economist Intelligence Unit/EIU)调查了亚洲、中东及非洲快速发展地区的480位高净值人士(high-net-worth individuals, HNWIs),以探究他们现在的医疗习惯可能会如何推动社会整体上的突破。


很多现在的创新都在稳步地推动着这种改变。新的科技正在以前所未有的规模生产着生物特征数据,手机应用、基因检测以及先进的筛查技术只是其中的一部分。大数据分析和人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)正在运用大量的信息为医护人员及患者提供更深入的分析洞察,以帮助他们更好地设定健康目标及衡量进展。当罹患疾病时,精准医疗、免疫学以及 3D 打印技术方面的突破也为更加个性化的治疗创造了可能。


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