Sustaining the push to elimination and beyond: Rwanda’s policy response to hepatitis B and C

For decades, Rwanda has battled significant levels of hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) infections. Sidonie Uwimpuhwe, Rwanda’s Country Director at the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) reports that an estimated 4% of the population were with living with HCV, whilst HBV prevalence was around 2% when the programme started. The burden is more pronounced in those over the age of 55, where HCV prevalence rises to 16%.1 The scale of infection is also slightly higher in vulnerable populations, such as those living with other conditions like HIV.

Osteoporosis: A challenge obscured, not eliminated

Covid-19 has rightly seized the attention of health system officials. Nevertheless, the disease has done nothing to change the underlying consideration which led the WHO – and, just as recently, also the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the G201 – to raise the policy profile of healthy ageing’s importance to economic growth and human well-being. More and more of us are living longer and longer. This is good news, but also presents challenges.

NO TIME FOR SILENCE: Exploring policy approaches to investment in stroke prevention in Europe

No time for silence: exploring policy approaches to investment in stroke prevention in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK is an independent report written by The Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by The Bristol Myers Squibb–Pfizer Alliance. The report considers policy and investment efforts around best practices for preventing stroke including resources for education, awareness and detection. To better understand variations in European policy, the research has been conducted across five major countries: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.

Could Healthy China 2030 also be a blueprint for investment opportunity?

China’s healthcare sector began privatising in the 1990s, along with the founding of special economic zones based on a famously repeated pledge not to worry about if a cat was white or black so long as it caught mice. Since then, a mostly healthy path of economic growth has played out in China, attracting international capital. In an Economist Intelligence Unit survey from November 2019, institutional investors and asset owners showed a bullish stance on the country, with 84% saying they had increased

Navigating the Next Frontier of Precision Medicine Oncology

The covid-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities and inequities of the global healthcare system, but it could also catalyze overdue transformative change.

ライフサイエンス分野のイノベーション- インフォグラフィック




日本のイノベーティブな ライフサイエンス・エコシステムを支えるために

ライフサイエンス・セクターの医療イノベーションには 、 基礎科学・研 究開発(R&D)・実用化など 、 あらゆる領域を対象とした包括的政策や市 場アクセスが不可欠だ。日本は過去数十年にわたり 、 アジアの主要イノ ベーション国として存在感を示してきた。しかしライフサイエンスにお けるイノベーションでは北米と欧州が依然として大きな影響力を保って いる。また近年 、 韓国や中国がインフラ・人材・R&D への投資を加速さ せ 、 新たな政策を打ち出すことでライフサイエンス領域のエコシステム 強化を推進している。競争力強化に向けた抜本的な方策が日本に求めら れているのはそのためだ。

ザ・エコノミスト・インテリジェンス・ユニット(EIU)が作成した本 報告書では 、 日本のライフサイエンス・セクターの現状を米国・韓国・ 中国と比較分析し 、 イノベーション推進体制のさらなる強化に向けた 方策について検証する。

日本はライフサイエンスの分野で高度なイノベーション力を維持して いるが 、 先行する米国には追い付けていない。またアジアでは韓国・ 中国といった競合国の追い上げに直面しており 、 イノベーション大国と しての地位は必ずしも盤石でない。

Supporting an innovative life sciences ecosystem in Japan

Medical innovation in the life sciences requires a holistic policy and market access environment that supports everything from basic science to product research and development (R&D) and, ultimately, commercialization. Though North America and Europe have historically led innovation in life sciences, Japan has been a leading contributor from Asia for decades.

Innovation in the life sciences - Infographic




持続可能な医療の実現に向けて- インフォグラフィック




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