Asset owners rethink their strategies - Chris Hitchen

In this video sponsored by BNP Paribas, Chris Hitchen, Chief Executive of RPMI, shares with us his views on the following topics:

Asia: a compliance and regulatory challenge

The most obvious thing corporate treasurers discover in Asia is just how different the normal range of treasury processes is in comparison to other parts of the world. They find that treasury has to devote significantly more time to compliance and regulatory issues than elsewhere and that the complexity of the regulatory environment seriously impacts the implementation of core treasury objectives such as centralisation.

Better Life Breakthroughs: Innovation in Investment - Chinese

访问金融数据分析公司Amareos首席执行官Philippe El-Asmar

Better Life Breakthroughs: Innovation in Investment - Chinese



How do corporate treasurers manage risk in challenging economic times?

A highly anticipated and well-attended session at EuroFinance's annual flagship conference in Vienna brought together leading corporate treasury executives to discuss how to manage risk in challenging economic times.

Managing risk in challenging economic times

Key findings include:

The view from Jan-Martin Nufer at Borealis

Jan-Martin Nufer, director, treasury, at Austria-based multinational chemicals and plastics manufacturer Borealis, discusses the changing role of treasury. 

The view from Tony Glasby at PayPal

Tony Glasby, VP treasurer at PayPal, discusses the changing role of treasury.

TRevolution: Revolutionising corporate treasury towards a strategic finance organisation

The countless "new" drivers of organisational development, such as Industry 4.0, Big Data, financial technology (fintech) companies, regulation, governance, straight-through processing (STP) and social networks, have shaped the framework in which we operate. A fast-paced environment that offers a wealth of challenges, but equally, great opportunities—particularly for traditionally specialised support functions like corporate treasury.

Financial Inclusion: What's Next for Regulators?

Tilman Ehrbeck discusses innovative ways to expand financial inclusion.

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