Delivering results through claims technologies

Preemptive action: Mitigating project portfolio risks in the financial services industry

Financing the Fragile Economic Recovery

How do global corporate treasurers navigate new risks and opportunities for growth?

A special session at EuroFinance's annual flagship conference in Copenhagen brought together leading corporate treasury executives to discuss the challenges and opportunities they face in financing the fragile economic recovery.

CMOment: Embracing humility

Q&A with Amanda Rubin, global co-head brand and content strategy, Goldman Sachs

A Question of Gender - Kalpana Morparia

ICICI Bank is India’s second largest and fastest-growing bank and perhaps the country’s best example of how to assimilate women throughout an organisation.

KV Kamath, the company’s (male) Managing Director and Chief Executive, has made it company policy to encourage the recruitment and development of women and, as a result, females hold about a dozen of the top 40 management posts, two out of five executive board seats, run two out of five subsidiaries, and account for about 30 per cent of total staff.

A Question of Gender - Emma Harrison

Few entrepreneurs in the UK have been as successful as Emma Harrison at combining the goal of making a difference to people’s lives with achieving financial success.

A Question of Gender

Asia’s fintech fever

Taking the temperature of the fintech scene in Asia.

Shareholder meetings

EIU interview with Paul Seccombe, vice-president and regional chief financial officer, EMEA, at Symantec.

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