Ready for lift off?

Europe’s financial services industry is getting its mojo back, finds EIU survey

M&A: The comeback kid

M&A activity poised for recovery in 2014, finds EIU survey

Local currency debt: Laggard

Why hasn’t the rebound in local currency bonds been more robust?

Dear financial services regulator…

Dear financial services regulator…

Long or short (trousers): What to wear when you are a hedgie being heckled by G8 protesters

Soon the global round of angry G8 street protests will descend on London.

Mitigating risk in an increasingly complex international regulatory environment

Governments around the world have responded to the unprecedented pace of financial and technological innovation by building a rapidly growing matrix of international regulation.

The democratisation of finance for clean-tech

Crowdfunding can give clean technology companies quick access to cheap capital, argues Irene Maffini, New Ventures Manager at The Carbon Trust.

Closing the communication gap: How institutional investors are building risk-aware cultures

It will hardly come as a surprise that a survey we publish today shows that institutional investors—that is, asset owners like insurers and pension funds, asset managers, and intermediaries like fund platforms and consultants—have become more risk-aware since the global financial crisis.

Closing the communication gap: How institutional investors are building risk-aware cultures

It will hardly come as a surprise that a survey we publish today shows that institutional investors—that is, asset owners like insurers and pension funds, asset managers, and intermediaries like fund platforms and consultants—have become more risk-aware since the global financial crisis.

Highlights from webinar in Dubai

Highlights from webinar in Dubai - Emerging Markets, Alpha, Beta or Bust? 

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