Can banks create a true ecosystem with embedded finance?

  • New technologies will have the biggest impact on banks in the next five years—more than changing customer demand and evolving regulation. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) in particular is expected to impact banking, according to 75% of respondents to a survey conducted by Economist Impact. More than 70% of survey respondents see unlocking value from AI as a key differentiator between winners and losers.
  • Collaboration with fintechs or other technology providers is key to access expertise in emerging technologies as openbanking initiatives multiply across the world.

Podcast | India’s time to shine? Opportunity and risk in India

Episode 7: India’s time to shine? Opportunity and risk in India

Fintech’s new wave: Exploring the impact of recession on the path towards digitalisation

We found that the pandemic accelerated the digitalisation of customer interaction by an average of three years and banks’ share of digital offerings by seven years. [1] However, at the time, we were also beginning to see the effects of digital transformation fatigue and explored the strategies that the world’s biggest banks were deploying to become more agile and customer-centric. Now, a year later, the landscape facing banks has changed dramatically. The covid19 digitalisation boom has come to an end, and the industry is preparing for a global recession.

Podcast | Protecting investment portfolios against climate change risks

Episode 3: Protecting investment portfolios against climate change risks

Podcast | Can China's economic slowdown create opportunities in Asia?

Episode 2: Can China's economic slowdown create opportunities in Asia?

Decarbonising Asia: Asset owners reach for net zero

Decarbonising Asia: Asset owners reach for net zero is an Economist Impact report, sponsored by Amundi. Denis McCauley is the author and Siddharth Poddar is the editor. It is based on in-depth interviews conducted with five executives at asset-owner and asset-management firms and other financial institutions, and secondary research, done between December 2021 and March 2022.
Our thanks are due to the following individuals for their time and insights:
  • Kerry Adams-Strump, director of group ESG, Prudential

Covid-19’s impact on personal finance in Asia

Covid-19’s impact on personal finance in Asia was researched and written by Michael Frank and Sakshi Tokas of Economist Impact. Home Credit is the sponsor of this report. The analysis and conclusions herein are the work of Economist Impact and do not necessarily reflect the views of Home Credit.
The report’s authors would like to thank the following experts for sharing their time and insights as part of the research process:

Combatting digital transformation fatigue

While digital native banks are able to innovate and roll out products without spending time and money solving the problems of the past, traditional banks are reaching a point of digital transformation fatigue. Incumbents find themselves in a permanent state of digital

Financial and Professional Services: Trade challenges and opportunities post pandemic

Alongside professional services, it plays a pivotal role in the modern economy and international trade flows. The Covid-19 pandemic significantly disrupted the industry that was already being reshaped by the effects of the global financial crisis, sustainability drive and digital innovation. Digital transformation, changing customer preferences and regulatory pressures, are also challenging existing business models in financial and related professional services.

What is shaping the ecosystem of small business lending?

Small-business lending is a sector in transition. What was once a lengthy, face-to-face, paper-intensive process can now be accomplished much more quickly with the help of technology. Customer expectations have evolved to require more personalised products and services. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation, generating a new competitive landscape, in which smaller, nimbler outfits are increasingly part of the picture and incumbents are adapting their strategies to leverage both technology and the human touch.

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