Are you looking at the right trends for business resilience and growth?

In recent years, the gaze of corporate decision-makers tends to be relatively tightly focused on products, sales channels and other elements that are only a step away from business fundamentals. But, is this aperture broad enough?

Strategic sensors

Sensors embedded in products are the technology set to grow the most in strategic significance in the next three to five years, Economist Intelligence Unit research has found

Big data and the blue economy

Fisheries are an underperforming global asset, mostly because of dismal management and overcapitalization of fishing fleets, plus illegal or pirate fishing. A new and relatively inexpensive high-tech system made its debut in January this year to help us better manage fisheries by using satellite tracking and sophisticated data analysis.

How mobile is transforming healthcare

Report Summary

According to a new survey, mobile technology has the potential to profoundly reshape the healthcare industry, altering how care is delivered and received.

Executives in both the public and private sector predict that new mobile devices and services will allow people to be more proactive in attending to their health and well-being.

The virtuous circle of data

Click here to view the report, infographic and webinar: 


Attention pays online, for now

What does the future hold for the ad-funded business model online, when the privacy costs have become more apparent? asks Neil McFarland, director of games at ustwo, a digital product and design studio.

Top Tech Trends for 2015

Cyber security, data analytics and private cloud are the top priorities for IT investment in 2015, according to a new survey of over 500 IT and business executives from around the globe. 

The survey, conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit for PwC, asked 503 executives which technologies they are currently investing in and how they plan to modify their investment in 2015. 

The key findings are as follows:

Driving a data-centric culture: a bottom-up opportunity

Driving a data-centric culture: The leadership challenge

Embracing data as a corporate asset—and a source of competitive advantage—is not just a “good idea” that companies should consider. Such adoption will help determine the winners and losers across multiple markets and industries in the future.  

Who’s big on big data?

Report Summary

Executives at the helm of organisations today are experimenting with ways that big data can be used to strategically add business value. A survey of more than 395 C-level executives, sponsored by Platfora, shows that senior leaders are optimistic about the capabilities of big data, but many still struggle with big-data applications.

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