Measuring wellness

Report Summary

As US employers grapple with rising healthcare costs, many have established employee wellness programmes. Yet companies continue to struggle with low employee engagement and health ownership. In May 2014 The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted an employer and employee survey, sponsored by Humana, to explore the extent to which employers use health-related employee data to guide the operation and outcomes measurement of US wellness programmes. 

Milking it

New research shows collaboration with rivals is top of the corporate agenda. Theo Spierings, CEO of Fonterra, a dairy co-operative and New Zealand's largest firm, explains his strategy for finding the right match

UK report

Alongside the global report we have written a UK country report.

Gut & gigabytes

The third era of IT

There have so far been only two eras of computing, says John Gordon, vice president of IBM Watson Solutions: the tabulation era and the programmable computer era. Now, he says, we’re beginning to embark on a third: the era of cognitive computing.

Ahead of the game: the benefits of sports analytics

Over the past few years, the sports analytics field has been growing rapidly. Sam Seddon, Wimbledon and Rugby Football Union (RFU) client executive at IBM, explains how analytics -- from data to models, information systems and skilled personnel -- can deliver a competitive advantage for sports leaders.

The next frontier in sustainability

Encouraging customers to make sustainable choices is the biggest environmental challenge companies face. Design, psychology and technology can all help.

Written by Aleyn Smith-Gillespie, Associate Director of the Carbon Trust

Many companies have achieved energy and resource efficiency gains within their own operations, and are now eyeing the next prize: improving efficiency outside their organisational boundaries.

The digital single market

Interview with Michel Combes, CEO of Alcatel-Lucent, about the potential for a common market for telecommunications in Europe

Sharing the blame

A recent survey on data security by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) shows that while governments try to work together to develop effective regulation to prevent data security breaches, the onus is on companies to collaborate to minimise their damage.

HR takes cues from marketing on big data

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