Bitly's Brian Eoff on asking questions of data

Bitly's Brian Eoff on asking questions of data

In search of insight and foresight

The power of fast data

The power of fast data

The power of fast data

Smart systems, smarter doctors

There are few instances in our lives when we place greater trust in the abilities of our fellow humans than in surgery. Even in relatively safe procedures, invasive surgery carries an inherent degree of risk. From a doctor’s perspective, there are specific challenges to overcome in trying to minimise the degree of invasiveness, not the least of which is our basic biological makeup.

The challenges of mobility

The issues covered in each article are:

  • Regulation of mobile activity in the financial industry
  • Managing the "always on" environment
  • The Internet of Things and Big Data
  • How retailers are adapting to consumer use of mobile technology
  • The rise of work hubs and the changing role of the office
  • What the "app culture" means for IT and the business

Applications at work: The "app culture", IT and the business

In organisations, technology decisions are no longer the monopoly of the information technology department.

Big data getting bigger: What the Internet of Things means for data

The amount of information flowing across networks has mushroomed in recent years, and its varieties multiplied, thanks to the growth of social media, peer-to-peer websites, mobile Internet use and other modes of digital communication. Data is now termed “big” not only due to its enormous quantities and multiplicity of types (photos and video, for example, in addition to conventional spreadsheet data). “Big” also refers to the potential opportunities for organisations that can mine the data mountains and extract the insights they contain. 

Privacy uncovered

The key findings of this report are:

Regulating mobility: Mobile trading and compliance in the financial sector

In the financial sector, managing compliance with regulatory requirements is an enormously complex challenge. Rapid technology advances in areas such as automated trading, while revolutionising everyday operations, are making the job of compliance tougher. Until relatively recently the use of mobile technologies in financial institutions—unarguably a boon to trader productivity and a rich source of new products and services—has escaped regulatory scrutiny in most developed countries.

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