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A 2016 round up on international trade




The Hyperconnected Economy

Report Summary

Hyperconnectivity is a term that describes a defining feature of contemporary society. Thanks to the Internet, mobile technology and soon the Internet of things, people, places, organisations and objects are linked together like never before.

More than a technological trend, hyperconnectivity is a cultural condition to which businesses have no choice but to adapt. But what does is it mean for companies, industries and consumers?

Breaking borders

A new report published by The Economist Intelligence Unit highlights the key issues that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) grapple with as they expand internationally – which for many firms can outweigh the promise of growth.

The report, sponsored by DHL Express, is based on a survey of 480 SMEs spread across 12 countries and 20 industries, as well as in-depth interviews with a number of SMEs and policy experts.

Leading at the top

Interview with Pippa Malmgren, founder of DRPM Group -- an economic risk consultancy -- and former economic advisor to US President George W. Bush


The most common theme in emerging markets currently appears to be that there isn’t one. There’s slower growth in China, growing optimism in India, political uncertainty in Brazil and international sanctions in Russia. Each story is significant yet somewhat unrelated, making it difficult for banks and asset managers to package them for investors into a neat, tidy theme labelled emerging markets (EM).

Big decision making process

Big decisions agenda

Survey demographics

No business is an island - How companies collaborate with trading partners and the opportunities for improvement

The global economy is a complex web of business relationships that no company can navigate alone. Whether it is through outsourcing, partnership or simple supplier-customer interactions, all businesses are reliant on the relationships they have with their peers.

It stands to reason, then, that perfecting collaboration with one’s trading partners is a key success factor in business. But how can companies maximise the value of their trading partner relationships, and how can they mitigate the risks? 

Finding their way

Report Summary

In a survey of 360 executives conducted for the report, those who believe that national data privacy regulation is a benefit outnumber those who say it is a burden by 3 to 2 (cited by 33% and 20% respectively).

Growing together? Free trade and Asia’s technology sector

A report published by The Economist Intelligence Unit finds that nearly 60% of IT, technology and telecoms firms in Asia think that their interests are not considered when governments conduct FTA negotiations. Nevertheless, 94% of companies in these sectors say that the FTAs they are using have boosted their exports to corresponding markets.

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