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Financing the UK’s infrastructure: private and public gains




Jan Gehl: Cities for people

The closing keynote at the Economist Conferences Event, "Creating tomorrow's liveable cities", presented by Professor Jan Gehl, founding partner of Gehl Architects, Copenhagen.

The challenge of liveable cities

Danuta Hübner MEP, chair of committee on regional development, European Parliament, and former EU commissioner for regional policy, giving the opening address at a special Economist conference on liveable cities in Brussels in November 2010.

Liveable cities: Key findings from the report

Economist Intelligence Unit senior editor Iain Scott presented the key findings of the "Liveable Cities" report at a special event in Brussels.

Who pays the bill?

As part of The Infrastructure Summit, this panel debated the big funding and financing challenge the UK government is facing and possible strategies to secure economic growth.

Picking the winners

In this session of The Infrastructure Summit , a case study set the backdrop for a wider discussion on how to successfully create, manage and complete transportation infrastructure projects that deliver value for money to passengers and taxpayer.

Future Britain

In this session, as part of The Infrastructure Summit, Graeme Leach, Chief Economist and Director of Policy, Institute of Directors, analysed demographic change and what it means for British economy.

The transformational potential of technology

This panel, part of The Infrastructure Summit, presented a critical examination of the most innovative, non-mainstream, possibly “leap-frog” technologies that will transform our infrastructure landscape.

Plan, guide and pull together

As part of The Infrastructure Summit, this panel of experts debates future planning and guidance of UK's government in the infrastracture sector.

Taking Britain’s infrastructure to the next level

As part of The Infrastructure Summit, in this video Paul Skinner, Chairman of Infrastructure UK, gives the opening keynote address presenting his views on the future of the UK's infrastructure networks.

John Armitt: Closing keynote

As part of The Infrastructure Summit, this panel of experts debates future planning and guidance of UK's government in the infrastracture sector.

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