Healthcare perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Bringing healthcare to hard-hit areas in Bangladesh




Fixing fragility in medicine supply chains: five key recommendations

The coronavirus pandemic highlighted a number of weaknesses in health systems. One that has received relatively little attention is the regular and ongoing shortages of essential medicines. Like many of the structural weaknesses revealed by covid-19 it was just that: revealed, rather than caused by the pandemic. The disruption of supply chains was due in part to simultaneous demand for medicines, but the structural and economic drivers of these shortages existed long before covid-19 emerged.

Easing the disease burden in ageing Asia: implementing integrated healthcare and promoting self-care

Easing the disease burden in ageing Asia: implementing integrated healthcare and promoting self-care is an Economist Impact report, sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Pte. Ltd. This report aims to examine integrated care in five countries across Asia and explore the integral role of self-care in promoting integrated care within these health systems.

Tobacco’s effects beyond health

The 2022 theme for World No Tobacco Day is tobacco’s threat to our environment. Tobacco use causes 8 million deaths worldwide each year and recent research has highlighted its environmental impacts, and how it might be an obstacle to achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Cell and Gene Therapies: Health system progress in moving from cutting edge to common practice

Cell and gene therapies (CGTs) change our individual biological blueprints. They might rewrite an individual’s DNA so that it no longer codes for a tragic, early demise, or remove faults which certain cancers exploit to avoid immune systems. However, CGTs are not easy to deploy. They require highly complex interventions by multi-disciplinary teams who rely on complicated supply chains and work in specialised facilities. Nor do they work on every patient.

Article 3 | Roadmap to resilience: A post pandemic vision of healthcare delivery

Article 3: Building post-pandemic resilience through technology and innovation

Strengthening Screening & Diagnostic Systems - a roadmap for infectious diseases elimination in developing countries in APAC

Strengthening Screening & Diagnostic Systems - a roadmap for infectious diseases elimination in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific, is an Economist Impact report, supported by Roche Diagnostics Asia Pacific Pte, Ltd.

Sounding the alarm: parent perceptions of teen mental health in the US

Despite receiving more attention in recent years, research shows an increasing number of teens dealing with mental health challenges. The 1,100 US parents surveyed for this study reinforced COVID-19’s acceleration of mental health challenges among US teens. Nearly 80% of parents reported new or increased signals of potential mental health issues from their teen, including anxiety, depression and/or behavioral issues. 

Infographic | Cardiovascular disease and covid-19 in Europe: Seeing the warning signs and preparing for action

Embracing innovation in mental health

Despite recent widespread recognition of the need to improve mental health care in the US, individuals continue to experience numerous unmet needs across the care pathway. Challenges persist for accessing care, understanding mental illness, delivering quality care and measuring the true burden of these conditions. While encouraging developments have occurred and promising innovations emerge, standalone solutions are not enough. 

COVID and Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world’s deadliest family of non-communicable diseases. Since the advent of the covid-19 pandemic, it has become clear that CVD and covid-19 multiply each other’s severity and, ultimately, lethality.

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