Healthcare perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Bringing healthcare to hard-hit areas in Bangladesh




Elevating health and wellbeing at a time of global uncertainty

Ahead of the World Health Summit 2022, David Humphreys﹘Economist Impact's global practice lead for health policy﹘and his team of policy experts, clinicians and specialists explore six important themes in healthcare.

Atrial Fibrillation, the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia is on the rise across the Asia-Pacific region

Atrial Fibrillation: Improving care pathways to meet the rising burden across the Asia-Pacific region

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia (heart rhythm disorder) among adults. The condition can be diagnosed during routine cardiac screening because of new onset symptoms or as an incidental finding in asymptomatic individuals.

Connecting the Dots: Embedding Progress on Rare Disease into Healthcare

Recent years has seen progress in the diagnosis and care of rare diseases, but health systems have more to do to integrate rare disease care into mainstream care. The good news is that doing so does not involve the wholesale re-invention of existing institutions, structures and processes, so much as adjusting them. 

Equity remains distant: America's mishandling of monkeypox

The monkeypox pandemic highlights how the US has yet to learn from its past mishandling of epidemics. In late 2021, Economist Impact published “Achieving health equity: a roadmap to eliminating disparities”, a report centred on reducing disparities in the US and UK using three disease areas—covid-19, mental health and STIs—to illustrate the cross-cutting nature of these issues. Unfortunately, many of the strategies laid out in that report have not been implemented.

The journey towards health improvement in Argentina: A roadmap for precision medicine

Precision medicine can contribute to many areas of medicine, and is frequently used in oncology, neurology, pneumology and rheumatology. In precision medicine, patient care is tailored to the individual’s genes, environment and lifestyle. This method can identify the most effective treatment for each person. Precision medicine can increase the value of care for patients and payers since identifying and using the most effective treatment for each case can reduce healthcare expenditures.

Five important questions for health in a post-pandemic world

The pandemic has led to numerous lessons learned and a reassessment of priorities in health. However, it remains unclear if short-term drivers of change will lead to seismic shifts in how we manage the future well-being of people, systems and society. David Humphreys, global practice lead for health policy at Economist Impact, offers perspective on the trends that will shape the future.

The challenge of migraine in South Africa: Complex, misunderstood— and surmountable

The challenge of migraine in South Africa: Complex, misunderstood— and surmountable is an Economist Impact report, supported by Eli Lilly. This report aims to assess the impact of migraine in the social, economic and health-system context of South Africa.

Tackling Japan’s dual crisis: How policies, culture and values can help stabilise the fertility rate and enable economic development

Japan already has the world’s oldest population, with a dependency ratio (the share of individuals over the age of 65 relative to the size of the working age population) of nearly 50% compared to a world average of 14%. A further fall in the number of births means the number of working adults supporting the ageing population will shrink, and the economy will face further challenges.

Working towards decades of healthy ageing

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA)—the first global agreement that presented a comprehensive action plan for addressing ageing in the 21st century. It is also the second year of the UN’s Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030) (“UN Decade”), an initiative led by the World Health Organization (WHO) to galvanise international action and cross-sectoral collaboration to support healthy ageing.

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