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Japan: 2030

Press 'play' on the player above to hear:
* the opportunities and challenges presented by Japan's ageing population
* how Japan's businesses are developing creativity as a management capability
* Japan's role in the new geopolitical reality in Asia

Promise and perils: Scaling up businesses in sub-Saharan Africa

Promise and perils: Scaling up businesses in Africa is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The report examines the factors enabling businesses in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to scale up. We consider the policy environment, state of technology and infrastructure, and financing options that allow businesses to access markets in other countries on the continent and beyond. In addition, it explores the role of foreign investors in facilitating business expansion, focusing on those based in the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) countries.

Informed consent is needed in Pakistan’s marriage contracts

Under current laws in Pakistan, forced or underage marriage is illegal. But, in practice, most brides aren’t told about the content of the contract they are signing. Consent without this knowledge isn’t full consent. In this blog, three researchers outline how they have assessed progress towards informed consent for marriage, education, regulation and further ramifications.

Post-Conflict Trade: Case studies and lessons for Ethiopia and Eritrea


The peace treaty between Ethiopia and Eritrea, signed in July 2018, brought to an end a war that had been ongoing but intermittent for more than 20 years and that cost more than 100,000 lives, displaced more than a million people, and diverted resources and attention away from the task of lifting large swathes of people in both countries out of poverty. It is the most recent of the world’s conflicts to arrive at peace, but as history has shown, a treaty alone is no guarantee that peace will hold.

Priorities of progress: understanding citizens' voices

Commissioned by Nitto Denko, The Economist Intelligence Unit produced a global study Priorities of progress: understanding citizens’ voices, that sheds light on citizens’ priorities among issues that range from healthcare, education, social protection, public safety, R&D, to the environment and transport infrastructure. The report builds insights from a 50-country citizen survey and interviews with a panel of experts and measures survey responses against publicly available spending data of governments.

Chỉ số Thương mại Bền vững Hinrich Foundation

Chỉ số Thương mại Bền vững - Hinrich Foundation 2018 là một chỉ số được xây dựng bởi Economist Intelligence Unit và là một nghiên cứu quy chuẩn được ủy thác bởi Hinrich Foundation. Đây là ấn bản thứ hai của nghiên cứu, được xuất bản lần đầu năm 2016. Đây là ấn bản thứ hai của nghiên cứu, chỉ số đầu tiên được xuất bản vào năm 2016. Báo cáo trình bày các kết quả chính của chỉ số và mô hình kèm theo.


2018 年韩礼士基金会可持续贸易指数是一项由韩礼士基金会委托经济学人智库创作的指数与基准研究。本报告是该研究第二版,第一版于 2016 年首次发布。本报告介绍了该指数的关键发现和相应模型。

该指数旨在测评 20 个经济体——包括 19 个亚洲经济体以及美国——在参与到国际贸易体系的过程中,支持国内外经济长期增长、环境保护和强化社会资本的能力。该指数包含 24 项指标,按上述三大方面分组,总体测评一个国家进行的是否为可持续贸易。

该指数旨在说明,尽管贸易是经济发展不可或缺的部分,但若没有负责任的环境管理,不努力全面开发社会资本,就不能实现可持续的贸易。在环境和社会方面落后的国家不能实现贸易的长效繁荣,无法吸引到关键的外国直接投资 (FDI),也难以得到多边发展组织的拨款和支持。因此,该指数可以作为各国在实现联合国可持续发展目标方面所取得进展的一项参考标准。


EIU study finds strong majority of business executives expect artificial intelligence (AI) to have positive economic effects for both industries and society

Business growth accelerating from climate action in American Midwest

By Tim Nixon, managing editor of sustainability at Thomson Reuters, and Nicole Rom, executive director of Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy, a non-profit dedicated to education and action on the issue of climate change

Hong Kong edges out Singapore and South Korea to take the top spot in the 2018 Sustainable Trade Index

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