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La covid-19 et l’Offre de Services Financiers aux Populations Vulnérables en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)

La covid-19 a durement frappé l’économie de la RDC. Les ménages à faible revenu et les exclus financièrement sont ceux ayant le plus souffert. À la suite de la première vague de la pandémie, les deux tiers des ménages ont déclaré que leur revenu mensuel avait diminué. Les perturbations économiques se sont poursuivies jusqu'à la fin de 2020 : en décembre, 55% des ménages ont déclaré devoir réduire leur consommation de nourriture et d'eau pour faire face aux difficultés économiques.

Human-centred design market scoping: how we can drive private finance to impactful projects in the Least Developed Countries

Unleashing the potential of frontier markets requires a profound shift away from old paradigms and towards a new mindset in which investors take a holistic view of investing, supported by ecosystem thinking and experience on the ground.

The cost of de-globalising world trade: Economic scenarios for the world’s turn inwards

After decades of propelling global economic growth through the international flow of goods, services, people and ideas, globalisation is in crisis. Already under pressure from geopolitical tensions and the rise of populist politics, the covid-19 pandemic has caused even the most free-marketoriented economies to question their reliance on global supply chains and trumpet the value of self-sufficiency.

More consumer education and collaboration needed, argues new Economist Intelligence Unit study on the impact of covid-19 on illicit trade

Does decoupling dampen or boost tech investment opportunity? Well it depends...

In the summer of 2019 The Economist Intelligence Unit asked global institutional investors and asset owners which sectors in China they found most attractive. Technology was cited by 58%,1 making it the top answer above financial or healthcare services. Although trade tensions had started ramping up at that time, a majority of survey respondents still expected to boost exposure to China’s economy.

G20 countries are not prepared for the needs of ageing populations, according to new research from the Economist Intelligence Unit

Travel and tourism | How will covid-19 reshape key Australian Industries?

Across the globe businesses in the travel and tourism sector have been left reeling from covid-19, and Australia is no exception. Tourism comprised 3.1% of the nation’s GDP—and 8.2% of export earnings—in 2018/2019, with an annual economic value of A$60.8b (US$40.2b).1 With planes grounded, tourist venues shuttered, cruise ships quarantined and all non-essential domestic and international travel banned since the end of March, it is difficult to identify an Australian economic sector more severely impacted by the pandemic.

Reviving the Dragon: China's Recovery

China’s leaders have not yet declared an economic growth target for this year, nor have they announced a stimulus package to rival those of 2009, 2012 and 2016. What does this mean for China’s economic outlook?

A new era: global trade in 2020 and beyond

The covid-19 pandemic will not only directly disrupt international trade but also catalyse other trends that are reshaping the global exchange of goods and services. 

Remote work is here to stay

The evidence is stacking up: as ease of remote working has increased, the economic benefit of people and firms being in close proximity to one another has declined. While intensified by covid-19, these longer-term trends predate the current crisis. Remote work’s time has come, says innovation economist Matt Clancy.

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