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Chairman's closing remarks: Tom Standage

In this video, Tom Standage, Digital Editor at The Economist, gives his remarks closing The Innovation Summit 2011.

Urban liveability and economic growth

In this panel of Creating tomorrow's liveable cities, Iain Scott and Mark Kleinman explored the relationship between liveability and economic growth, discussing key findings from an Economist Intelligence Unit survey.

A fresh view on the future

In this video, part of The Risk Summit 2011, Mark Stevenson, Author of An Optimist's Tour of the Future, provided his view on the future and the risks it will bring with it.

Results of a global talent survey

In this video, Paul Lewis, Managing Editor, Executive Briefing at the Economist Intelligence Unit, presents the EIU survey on businesses' solutions to big picture strategic HR and talent management issues.

The World in 2013 Gala Dinner Highlights

The World in 2013 Gala Dinner Highlights

Empire’s new clothes: E-commerce is central to Lane Crawford’s China strategy

Lane Crawford is no stranger to tradition. The luxury department store operator—established by two Scottish entrepreneurs—has been a presence in Hong Kong’s prime retail districts since 1850. But it has also carved out a place in the city as a trendsetter, regularly revamping its brand line-ups and refreshing its spaces with cutting-edge art installations.

SMEs and the Shanghai Free Trade Zone

Competition in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (SFTZ) is about to go up a level. The launch of Sony’s PlayStation 4 in China this year opens up a new front in the global console war with Microsoft’s Xbox 360. Yet the Japanese electronics giant is not the only firm taking a technology fight with Microsoft to China.

Autodesk and the Internet of Things

For some companies, opportunities are emerging to offer new products and services directly to consumers. For others, such as Autodesk, a US-based maker of design software, the opportunity is to support clients as they create new connected devices that power the Internet of Things (IoT). 

“We are working to help existing customers transition to the new world of the Internet of Things,” says Chris Bradshaw, Autodesk’s CMO. 

Case studies and articles

What&;s the private sector&;s role in urban resilience? Download the case studies and articles

Umicore: Succeeding in Europe

While its CEO is downbeat about economic prospects for Europe, Umicore, a Belgium- based materials technology group, is pumping a large portion of its investments into the region. The reason? Europe’s tough environmental regulations.

When contemplating the economic landscape, Marc Grynberg certainly pulls no punches. “I expect Europe to continue to stagnate,” he says. “Europe is in a scenario of very slow recovery, and that’s probably going to prevail for
the next few years.”

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