Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




The rise of the customer-led economy

 “To satisfy the customer is the mission and purpose of every business.” Management guru Peter Drucker’s words are as true today as they were in 1973, when he first published Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices.

But for decades the gap between big companies and the customers who bought their products and services has grown only wider. The customer might be king, but his crown slipped.

The hype and the hope

The hype and the hope: The road to big data adoption in Asia-Pacific is an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report, sponsored by Hitachi Data Systems. It examines the extent to which companies across the Asia-Pacific region are adopting the use of big data analytics and reveals the major obstacles they are encountering on the road to successful adoption

Business model innovation and strategies for sustainable growth

Bold innovation is crucial to decouple business models from resource risks, argues Aleyn Smith-Gillespie, Associate Director at The Carbon Trust.

Can renewable energy save the world?

Evaluating the land and resources required for renewables to meet all demand. This is a challenge that varies heavily by country, geography and climate. Many places may simply not have sufficient land for renewable energy to viably meet their energy needs.

Cracking the code of silence

As our new report on information risk encourages greater transparency about cyber-attacks, we shed a little light on The Economist’s own experiences

Information risk

Report Summary

Information risk: Managing digital assets in a new technology landscape is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by HP. It is intended to explore how organisations view and approach information risk and its management in the era of “big data” and cloud computing.

Even tomatoes can benefit from the IoT— but beware the ‘GM’ effect

One of the unanswered questions about the Internet of Things is what a successful business model will look like....we get the thoughts of some of those trying to find this out in a Q&A with BT and Ctrl-Shift.

Why IT leaders need to communicate

The continued digitisation of the economy places communication among an IT executive's most important skills

Big data, no teenage dream

A new EIU report suggests companies are entering a period of teenage angst about their ability to use big data effectively.

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