Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Want to avoid disruption? Then keep exploring

Lean Enterprise co-author Barry O'Reilly explains how to avoid becoming the next Kodak or Blockbuster


Healthcare in Saudi Arabia

Report Summary

The rising costs of providing quality healthcare—driven by annual population growth of 2.7% and a rising incidence of chronic disease—will place a strain on Saudi Arabia’s finances. Healthcare in Saudi Arabia: Increasing capacity, improving quality?, sponsored by Philips, includes EIU analysis and comments from a panel of nine prominent experts. The report finds that if Saudi Arabia is going to achieve its ambitious plans for healthcare capacity, the kingdom needs to build on its financial incentives for private sector investment and to cut red tape.

The work experience

Digital technology has revolutionised the experience of work, allowing employees to work at any time, in any place. But while the technologies that underpin this revolution require careful management, it is the human factors that present the greater management challenge.

The Work Experience is a new series of content from The Economist Intelligence Unit, examining the impact of flexible modes of working on the workforce, their wellbeing and their careers. It is sponsored by Microsoft. 

Innovation ecosystems

Report Summary

The global labour market is undergoing massive structural changes that will have potentially far-reaching implications for the workforces of the future.

Mechanisation and technological adaption by companies are speeding up processes and increasing unemployment and under-employment – something the US writer and ‘futurist’ Alvin Toffler2 has described as a post-industrial ‘third wave’ of socioeconomic organisation.


The report is based on a survey of 50 C-suite executives from the retail sector including groceries and food (24%), fashion and apparel (20%), and large mixed retail (20%). Respondents come from a range of functions, including finance (24%), technology (20%) marketing (16%) and strategy (12%, including CEOs and chief strategy officers). Respondents are based in North America (60%) and Europe (40%), with their corporate head offices similarly split (62% and 36% respectively, with the remainder from Asia).

The data storm

Report Summary

Data fundamentals

Data affects nearly every aspect of an organisation. 

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