Odd one out

We need to keep rivers flowing for our water, food and energy security, argues Dave Tickner, Chief Freshwater Adviser at WWF.

Rapid urbanisation, climate change and resource scarcity: a disaster in the making?

New research shows accelerating urbanisation, resource scarcity and climate change are among the main trends influencing the global decision-making agenda. An interview with Dr Rudolf Seiters from the German Red Cross on how these mega trends exacerbate the risk of humanitarian emergencies.

The world toilet crisis can be solved

Globally up to 2.5bn people do not have access to proper sanitation. The dire situation of 1m children dying from diarrhoea every year alone requires an urgent call to action, argues Jack Sim, founder of the World Toilet Organisation (WTO).

Making an impact through CSR

A locally-focussed CSR policy can do a world of good, argues Marcelle Speller, founder of Localgiving.com

Cheap shrimp and the human cost

Thanks in large part to aquaculture global shrimp production has increased by an estimated 13% since the 1980s. Now its price has dropped nearly 30%, transforming this once rare luxury into one of the most popular and affordable seafood products in the world.

Improving livelihoods in China: The challenges

How can China sustain economic growth and generate more resources to improve livelihoods?

Reshaping livelihood opportunities for marginalised populations

This August, the Rockefeller Foundation, in partnership with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and The Economist Intelligence Unit, will convene thought leaders from corporations, government, universities and civil society to envision new strategies for securing the livelihoods of the world’s poor and vulnerable populations.

Improving food security

How can we change farming from subsistence to surplus for these people, especially in the face of climate change?

The affordability debate

Energy bills remain high up the political agenda, explains Tim Yeo MP, Chair of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee.

UK shale gas

Even with domestic shale gas exploitation, it is in the UK’s national interest to keep its energy policy focused on moving rapidly to an efficient and low-carbon energy system, says Nick Molho, head of Climate and Energy Policy at WWF-UK.

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