Managing Application Development: The healthcare perspective

Healthcare has gone high tech. Bulky paper records are quickly giving way to efficient digital records. Clipboards are being replaced by tablets and other mobile devices. And a range of entirely new time-saving and life-saving applications are being explored with technologies that use artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, cognitive computing, big data analytics, robotic process automation and augmented/virtual reality.

Ageing with strength: Addressing fragility fractures in Asia-Pacific

By 2050 Asia-Pacific will be home to 1.3bn people older than 60. This growth will happen at a time when lifespans are also becoming longer. As a result, the region is expected to see an increase in diseases associated with age. Among them is osteoporosis, a condition that makes bones less dense and more fragile and can cause fragility, or low-impact, fractures—those that occur (often to the hip, spine or wrist) when someone falls from a standing height or lower.


아시아태평양노동인구중유방암환자및생존자.한국:유방암급증에대한초기대응은이코노미스트인텔리전스유닛 (Economist Intelligence Unit, EIU)이작성하고화이자(Pfizer)가후원한보고서이다.본보고서는2018년8월~9월한국유방암생존자의일자리복귀를주제로하여실시한인터뷰및연구를바탕으로작성되었다.본보고서는또한이주제와관련하여맥락및배경을제공한국제권위자로구성된자문위원회의의견을바탕으로작성되었다.

한국의유방암투병중이거나완치한여성의수는빠르게증가하고있으며,유방암위험이크게증가하는시기인40세이상여성의노동시장 참여도증가하는추이를보이고있다.이두경향모두전세계적으로일자리복귀에영향을미치고있다.최근수십년동안,한국은세계에서유방암발병률이가장급속하게증가한국가중하나이다.


Value-based healthcare in Sweden: Reaching the next level

Value-based healthcare in Sweden: Reaching the next level




中国、オーストラリア、香港、日本、シンガポール、韓国、台湾、タイの8か国の調査では、虚血性心疾患 (IHD) および脳卒中の直接的・間接的費用のうち、喫煙、高血圧、肥満、高コレステロールの4つの改善可能な危険因子によるものが530億ドルと推定されている。

Understanding atopic dermatitis in the US

Breast cancer patients and survivors in the Asia-Pacific workforce

With more older women also working, how will the rising trend of breast cancer survivorship manifest in workplace policies, practices and culture? What challenges do breast cancer survivors face when trying to reintegrate into the workforce, or to continue working during treatment? How can governments, companies and society at large play a constructive role?

Breast cancer patients and survivors in the Asia-Pacific workforce. South Korea: An incipient response to a ballooning problem

Breast cancer patients and survivors in the Asia-Pacific workforce. South Korea: An incipient response to a ballooning problem is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Pfizer. This report draws upon interviews and research conducted in August-September 2018 on the topic of return-to-work for breast cancer survivors in South Korea. It also draws upon an advisory board of global authorities who provided the context and background for this topic.

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