Financing and cultivating a sustainable ecosystem for US healthcare innovation

Financing and cultivating a sustainable ecosystem for US healthcare innovation is a report written by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Gilead Sciences, developed to continue the conversation following the Healthcare Forum 2018: Financing healthcare innovation, an Economist event sponsored by Gilead Sciences. It assesses the potential for improving support for US health innovations, across the healthcare spectrum, over the long term.

Building and ensuring an integrated approach to infectious diseases in the US

Building and ensuring an integrated approach to infectious diseases in the US is a report written by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Gilead, developed for distribution following the . It assesses the potential for developing more standardised policy for preventative care and treatment for infectious diseases.

How the EU is supporting heart health?

Hearts are incredible organs—they beat around 100,000 times per day and pump some 5.5 litres of blood around our bodies every minute.

Time to Scale up Creative Philanthropy!

Approximately 5.6m children, under the age of five, did not survive in 2016. To be more precise, around 15,000 died every day that year.

The Next Pandemic?

This report is based on extensive data analysis and desk research, complemented by five in-depth interviews with experts on NCDs. The main findings of the research are as follows.

Finding the silver lining amid medical research funding cuts

Some believe—to paraphrase Charles Dickens—that this is the best of times and the worst of times to be a medical researcher. On the one hand, technology is helping medical researchers make leaps and bounds in the areas of surgical procedures and pharmacological advancements. But on the other hand, medical researchers are feeling constrained by an increasingly complex medical insurance system and dwindling government funding for research. Perhaps, those who ascribe to this paradoxical view are half right.

Demystifying ageing - Chinese Infographic

Demystifying ageing - Chinese

脆弱性骨折已經成為亞太地區重大的公眾衛生挑戰。大量研究顯示相關病症對社會和經濟造成長遠的影響。不單會造成活動力和自主能力的下降,在某些情況下,還會造成老年患者的死亡。在多數傳統的亞太社會中,老年人經常扮演家庭中年輕一代的照顧者。一旦發生骨折,可能會對整個家庭和社區產生衝擊。從更廣泛的角度來看,亞太社會治療髖部骨折的花費,相當於 19% 的每人平均國民生產總值,正正突顯了這個問題的嚴重性。


Demystifying ageing - Korean Infographic

Demystifying ageing - Korean

취약 골절1은 아시아 태평양 지역에서 이미 중요한 공중 보건 문제이다. 사회와 경제에 대한 이의 지속적인 영향은 문서에 의해 충분히 입증되었고, 이동성 상실, 독립성 상실, 일부의 경우 노인들에서 사망을 초래한다. 노인들이 젊은 세대를 돌보는 많은 전통적인 아시아 태평양 사회에서 골절은 가족 전체와 지역사회에 치명적일 수 있다. 보다 넓은 관점에서 볼 때, 아시아 태평양 사회에서 고관절 골절 치료 비용은 1인당 GDP의 19%에 달하고, 이는 문제의 심각성을 보여준다.

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