Podcast | The World In 2021: Asia edition

The World In 2021: Asia edition

Closing the gap: Pathways to a post-pandemic recovery in labour markets

The global economy experienced a deep recession in 2020, and as a result, more than 40m jobs were lost as businesses shut down. Against this backdrop, Economist Impact set out to understand how long it would take for employment to recover fully and to examine the different paths ahead for the five regions of the global economy: North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia. 

Services trade is fundamental to new-globalisation

Services trade is vital to the growth of the global economy and comes in many forms. However, their contributions are often wrongly underestimated. Services span Indian exports of software services and foreign banks providing financial services to domestic customers to consumers downloading music or movies from an overseas provider or even the English cricket team receiving lessons in Australia.

Untapped opportunity: Deepening trade and investment between sub-Saharan Africa and the GCC

Executive summary

Sentiment on the economic promise of Africa seems to ebb and flow. African economic growth has been anaemic over the past decade, and the continent continues to grapple with fundamental challenges around improving transport infrastructure and electrification. Since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, some of these development priorities have been pushed further down the agenda.

Boosting Circularity Across Saudi Arabia


La covid-19 et l’Offre de Services Financiers aux Populations Vulnérables en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)

La covid-19 a durement frappé l’économie de la RDC. Les ménages à faible revenu et les exclus financièrement sont ceux ayant le plus souffert. À la suite de la première vague de la pandémie, les deux tiers des ménages ont déclaré que leur revenu mensuel avait diminué. Les perturbations économiques se sont poursuivies jusqu'à la fin de 2020 : en décembre, 55% des ménages ont déclaré devoir réduire leur consommation de nourriture et d'eau pour faire face aux difficultés économiques.

Infrastructure | How will covid-19 reshape key Australian industries?

Prior to the covid-19 pandemic, Australia was undergoing an infrastructure boom, with over A$200bn1 (US$139bn) in projects under construction. One of Australia’s longstanding challenges was keeping pace with the rate of growth, particularly in transport infrastructure.

Reviving the Dragon: China's Recovery

China’s leaders have not yet declared an economic growth target for this year, nor have they announced a stimulus package to rival those of 2009, 2012 and 2016. What does this mean for China’s economic outlook?

A new era: global trade in 2020 and beyond

The covid-19 pandemic will not only directly disrupt international trade but also catalyse other trends that are reshaping the global exchange of goods and services. 

Remote work is here to stay

The evidence is stacking up: as ease of remote working has increased, the economic benefit of people and firms being in close proximity to one another has declined. While intensified by covid-19, these longer-term trends predate the current crisis. Remote work’s time has come, says innovation economist Matt Clancy.

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