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Financing the UK’s infrastructure: private and public gains




Back to basics: why human security needs to be the hot topic at COP21

A universal climate agreement will only be meaningful if it fully accounts for the humans it’s meant to be protecting, argues Marcela Tarazona, an environmental economist and climate change specialist at Oxford Policy Management, an international development consultancy.

The Energy Africa campaign: a light-bulb moment?

Falling prices of solar-power technology and the need to provide electricity to 600m people are opening up major opportunities in Africa, argues Simon Trace, a consultant and writer on technology and development.

Addressing the challenge of energy access for refugees

A new report assesses the state of energy access in refugee camps. Now we must be ambitious in our response and move beyond piecemeal, partial solutions, argues Mary Willcox, Principal Consultant – Energy at Practical Action, an international development charity.

The Paris climate change talks: what will success look like?

As the Paris Climate Change Conference (also known as COP21) gets underway, The EIU's senior editor, Martin Koehring, examines what it will take for the talks to deliver ambitious outcomes that will have a real impact on tackling climate change.

Happy homes

The influence of the built environment on our health and wellbeing has been proven. Should we rebuild our cities?

The Changing Face of Infrastructure: Public sector perspectives

Keeping traffic flowing

Against the backdrop of shifting consumer demand and continuing globalisation, the importance of free-flowing transport has increased markedly for the global economy. Today, as never before, policymakers understand that sound transport infrastructure, policies, and technologies, correlate to competitiveness, productivity and efficiency in the economy. Among other things, this understanding is reflected in ambitious infrastructure investment plans in developing economies such as Brazil, South Africa, Poland, China and India, as well as in advanced economies such as Spain and the UK.

Asian Green City Index

The future of Asia is in its cities. Although still one of the less urbanised continents, the share of the Asian population living in urban areas has grown from 32% in 1990 to 42% in 2010, according to the United Nations Population Division. By 2026, the United Nations forecasts that half of Asians will be city dwellers. The sheer size of the continent’s population makes the task of managing this urbanisation especially daunting. For the last five years, Asia has added 37 million urban residents each year, more than 100,000 per day, to its growing total.

The changing face of infrastructure

In order to understand the challenges that private sector infrastructure providers face in creating and maintaining infrastructure, the Economist Intelligence Unit, on behalf of KPMG International, conducted a survey during June and July 2009 of 455 senior executives directly involved in the development, delivery, operation/maintenance, provision of financing, or providing advice in the transportation, energy, social services, and water sectors. Of these, 63 percent were C-suite or board level, with 22 percent being CEOs.

Building trust in regulation

Research Methodology

KPMG International commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit to write Bringing trust into regulation. The report is based on the following research activities:

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