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Financing the UK’s infrastructure: private and public gains




Mapping a flood of new data

One city tweets to stay dry

Resilient cities: Extending public services with digitally empowered citizens

Becoming resilient to crime in surging cities

Constant vigilance and insightful analysis are a government’s best defences against crime. Easier said than done. With limited human and digital resources, many cities are beginning to solve crimes, and avoid the conditions that enable them, by tapping into the eyes, ears and phones of their best and most abundant asset: citizens.

Transportation: Creating value from data and committed leadership

Devolution and the future of public services

Duncan Sim, Senior Policy and Projects Officer at ResPublica, explores the impact UK devolution will have on the public sector at a time when local authorities are faced with increasing government austerity.

Open for business?

Aengus Collins, Country Forecast Director of the Economist Intelligence Unit, assesses whether the UK's current position on exporting and immigration is having a negative impact on creating a vibrant economy.

The network paradigm and the city

The future will see cities shift towards becoming “smart” network-based areas enabled by technology. And intelligent street and traffic lights are just the start, according to Bas Boorsma Director, Internet of Everything, Northern Europe, Cisco.

Vibrant Economy

This series of blog posts and infographics, sponsored by Grant Thorton, seeks to explore how a vibrant economy can be scoped, shaped and developed in the UK.

With insights from leading experts across the UK's businesses, cities and public and third sector organisations, this series aims to stimulate ideas and actions that can create a vibrant economy – one which realises the shared potential of companies, cities, people and communities across the UK.


Financing the UK’s infrastructure: private and public gains

The UK’s deficit in infrastructure is vast; it requires private-sector capital and expertise to join with the public sector.

Career city index

To shed light on how cities stack up in the eyes of professionals, Robert Half commissioned a study with The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The result is the Career City Index, a benchmarking tool that ranks and compares 25 U.S. cities using 25 diverse indicators that measure and influence carer choices, quality of life and work-life balance.

The indicators are separated into four categories: career prospects, quality of life, cost of living and cultural diversity.

Hopes and doubts

Emerging markets globally have encountered slower growth and increased volatility of their currencies, but investors have reasons to be concerned in Indonesia. 

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