Healthcare perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Bringing healthcare to hard-hit areas in Bangladesh




Emerging mHealth: Paths for growth

Mobile healthcare (mHealth) is “the biggest technology breakthrough of our time [being used] to address our greatest national challenge”, said US Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius in her keynote address at the 2011 annual mHealth Summit in the Washington, DC area. Worldwide, the technology and its promise have moved up the healthcare agenda.

Tackling health inequality at the source

There's a London saying that for every Tube stop you travel eastwards from Westminster, there is a one-year drop in local citizens' life expectancy. But that's obviously not true. In actual fact, the difference in life expectancy between two or three Tube stops may be more like nine years.

Weapons against disease that we don't yet know how to use

Kofi Annan, the former United Nations secretary-general, has been busy lately, attempting the enormous task of brokering a peace plan in Syria. But at a forum in Copenhagen earlier this month he sounded positively warlike.

Of bugs and bugbears

In 1995 I was given a book whose cheerful title, The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance, inspired my friend to inscribe on the flyleaf, "new and wonderful ways to die—happy birthday".

A doctor to tend to the World Bank

As I write this, the short odds are on Jim Yong Kim to replace Robert Zoellick at the head of the World Bank, just ahead of Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

Never too early

Report Summary

Asia Competition Barometer: Pharmaceuticals

Supported by Singapore’s Economic Development Board (EDB), the Economist Intelligence Unit has developed the Asia Competition Barometer with the aim of understanding the changing market dynamics in key sectors and assessing the intensity of competition in them. Drawing upon company-level data on profitability and other indicators, the Barometer quantifies the changing dynamics of competitiveness in Asia for select industries between 2004 and 2009.

The future of healthcare in Africa

Healthcare demands in Africa are changing. Ensuring access to clean water and sanitation, battling ongoing communicable diseases and stemming the tide of preventable deaths still dominate the healthcare agenda in many countries. However, the incidence of chronic disease is rising fast, creating a new matrix of challenges for Africa’s healthcare workers, policy makers and donors.

The value challenge

Report Summary

The value challenge is the second in a series of four reports by the Economist Intelligence Unit, following the first report, The innovation imperative in biopharma. These reports are part of the Reinventing biopharma: Strategies for an evolving marketplace programme, sponsored by Quintiles. The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted the survey and analysis and wrote the report. The findings and views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor.

Finding alignment

After years of painfully diminishing return on investment (ROI) from discovery and development (D&D) programmes, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are taking a calculated risk at the heart of their businesses with the production of their most valuable asset—intellectual property. Within the last decade, outsourcing to contract research organisations (CROs)—companies that offer the industry a wide range of research services—has grown to such an extent that it now encompasses over 40% of the entire sector’s D&D.

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