Healthcare perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Bringing healthcare to hard-hit areas in Bangladesh




Ageing Europe: Refocusing healthcare systems on healthy living #1

Healthcare in Europe - healthy ageing 

Tackling diets and nutrition video #2

Feeding the World highlights 2013

Healthcare in Africa - New thinking in policy-making #1

Brainstorm: New thinking in policymaking 

When wellness isn't its own reward

Adrian Gore on why responsibility is key to Discovery's pioneering approach to health insurance.

New responses to non-communicable diseases- video #1

New responses to non-communicable diseases- video

Life Science Frontiers highlights #1

Life Science Frontiers highlights

Edit The future of healthcare in Africa

Animated infographic of key Future of healthcare in Africa report findings

Future-proofing Western Europe's Healthcare - video highlights

Interviews with medical professionals to discuss how to cope with intend to cope with future demand on healthcare systems

Healthcare innovation in sub-Saharan Africa

Alan Fenwick, professor of tropical parasitology at Imperial College, London, talks about the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, which works to tackle some of the diseases which have long been consigned to history in the developed world.

Building for health

The Economist Intelligence Unit takes a look at the latest thinking in hospital design, along with a more detailed look at why good design may have benefits below the façade.

  • Andrew Smith and Benedict Zucchi, two architect directors at BDP, whose Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital at Brighton has won major design awards, discuss some of the ways in which architects are now approaching hospital design

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