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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Valuing nature’s water infrastructure

Our economic growth agendas of today risk playing dice with poverty reduction and prosperity if water risks continue to go unrecognised, argues Mark Smith, director of the IUCN Global Water Programme.

Making aid work

As the international community gathers to discuss the post-2015 development agenda and how best to finance the Sustainable Development Goals, it is important we learn from our mistakes and redress the recipient-donor relationship, says Roger Riddell, an associate at international development consultancy, Oxford Policy Management.

Global Capital Confidence Barometer - 12th edition

Over eighty percent of executives view the global economy as improving according the 12th edition of the Capital Confidence Barometer, a bi-annual survey of more than 1,600 executives, conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit on behalf of EY. 

This report summarises the results of the latest survey, gauges corporate confidence in the economic outlook and identifies boardroom trends and practices in the way companies manage their Capital Agendas — EY’s framework for strategically managing capital.

Corporate inversions back in the news again

Now that the regulatory dust is beginning to settle, some recent transactions indicate that multinationals appear ready to reengage in these controversial transactions

A renminbi revolution

In January renminbi was ranked by SWIFT fifth globally in terms of the aggregate value of payments made, behind only the “big four” of US dollar, euro, sterling and yen. It has since dropped back a bit—owing to seasonal factors, principally—but the trend is inexorable. The renminbi is becoming a global currency. ​

Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises on the Frontiers of Exporting

Europe’s policymakers have long considered small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) the engines of job-creation in their economies. A thriving base of SMEs is therefore also considered a key factor in helping Western European economies recover from the recession of 2008-09. SMEs’ growth prospects, in turn, are often strongly influenced by how well they are able to develop and keep export markets.

Generation ¥ Case Studies

 for more insights into how renminbi is becoming a global currency.

Generation ¥ Infographic-English

Generation ¥

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Digital adoption in the insurance sector

Report Summary

In the fifth of a series of reports, commissioned by HSBC, we look at the ways in which digital adoption is shaping the insurance sector by forging new business models, new commercial partnerships and different consumer relationships, and by providing new potential revenue streams.

The report also explores to what extent insurers around the world are using digital technologies, including social, mobile, analytics and cloud (SMAC), particularly the deluge of data unleashed by the digital watershed.

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