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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Strengthening governance, risk and compliance in the banking industry

Gearing for growth

Research Methodology 

The research is based on the following elements:

Solvency II Survey 2011

The report was based on a survey of 60 UK-based insurers and an interview with the Association of British Insurers.

Demographics and finance are twin engines fuelling Africa’s ‘Islamic economy’

Transforming the CFO role in financial institutions

Research Methodology

Too good to fail?

Research Methodology

Our research for this report drew on two main initiatives:

We conducted an online survey of 315 executives from around the world in March 2011. Approximately one-half of the respondents in the survey are
C-level executives and nearly as many represent financial institutions with US $25 billion or more in assets under management. All respondents have a primary responsibility for risk management.

Compliance and Competitiveness

Research Methodology

Proactive response

Research Methodology

Proactive response: How mature fi nancial services fi rms deal with troubled projects is an Economist Intelligence Unit research report, sponsored by Oracle. The fi ndings and views expressed in the report do not necessarily refl ect the views of the sponsor. The author was Sarah Fister Gale and the editor was Brian Gardner

The cost of inaction

Report Summary

A free option on the mispricing of carbon

The Swedish public pension fund Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4) is governed by legislation that requires it to take sustainability into account, but without giving up returns. When AP4 decided to scrutinise the climate-related risks in its investment portfolio, it began by measuring the carbon footprint of the S&P 500 index. The pension fund’s managers decided that, as they sought to mitigate the climate-related risk in their holdings in the index, they did not want to take any sector stances—specifically, they did not want to take any explicit bets against fossil fuels.

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