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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Better Life Breakthroughs: Innovation in Investment

Watch Philippe El-Asmar, founding partner and CEO of Amareos, as he talks about Fintech:

  1. Making sense of data
  2. Driving smarter decisions
  3. Fintech solutions and AI

The view from Karim Hajjar at Solvay

Karim Hajjar, group CFO of Solvay SA, discusses the changing role of treasury.

Changing conventional thinking will help insurers to differentiate themselves on the world stage

The international credit insurance industry is on the cusp of transformation, but it needs a little nudge to fully take flight.

How do corporate treasurers manage risk in challenging economic times?

A highly anticipated and well-attended session at EuroFinance's annual flagship conference in Vienna brought together leading corporate treasury executives to discuss how to manage risk in challenging economic times.

How the regulatory wave in banking will hit treasurers

Bank regulation has come a long way. The perceived lesson of the financial crisis, namely that banks’ insufficient capital buffers were one catalyst, has spawned a wave of rules, ratcheting up the amount of equity banks must hold against their loans. While these new rules have undoubtedly shored up global financial stability, recent developments have also demonstrated that they raise a host of challenges for corporate treasurers.

Part 1: The end of globalisation?

Business leaders face significant risks if the world becomes more fragmented.

Making Asia anxious again

The view from Tokyo of the US presidential election

Is the blockchain secure?

A spate of blockchain-related thefts has raised questions about its viability as a platform for financial services

Capital Confidence Barometer: 15th edition

According to the latest Capital Confidence Barometer, 57% of executives  plan to make acquisitions in the next 12 months. The need to respond to challenges while navigating a complex and fast-changing environment makes dealmaking an imperative, not an option. Executives are looking at more targets, and deals will tend to be smaller. However, as boards look to make innovative acquisitions, they are using analytics to make better decisions.

Managing risk in challenging economic times

Key findings include:

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