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What expatriates bring




Highlights from webinar in Dubai

Highlights from webinar in Dubai - Emerging Markets, Alpha, Beta or Bust? 

Highlights from webinar in Kuala Lumpur

Global Challenges in Asset Management: Highlights from Kuala Lumpur webinar. 

Guangdong Free Trade Zone

A six part series of , examining trade-related issues in Asia

Quick read:

Guangdong Free Trade Zone

Hong Kong law firm eyes first-mover advantage

When it comes to the legal environment, Hong Kong is typically viewed as more progressive than mainland China. But according to one prominent Hong Kong lawyer, in some respects, China is forging ahead.

This is especially true in places like the recently unveiled Guangdong Free Trade Zone (GFTZ), which is creating new opportunities for Hong Kong firms, and cross-border cooperation, in the process.

E-Commerce in China

Empire’s new clothes: E-commerce is central to Lane Crawford’s China strategy

Lane Crawford is no stranger to tradition. The luxury department store operator—established by two Scottish entrepreneurs—has been a presence in Hong Kong’s prime retail districts since 1850. But it has also carved out a place in the city as a trendsetter, regularly revamping its brand line-ups and refreshing its spaces with cutting-edge art installations.

Shanghai Free Trade Zone

SMEs and the Shanghai Free Trade Zone

Competition in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (SFTZ) is about to go up a level. The launch of Sony’s PlayStation 4 in China this year opens up a new front in the global console war with Microsoft’s Xbox 360. Yet the Japanese electronics giant is not the only firm taking a technology fight with Microsoft to China.

Generation ¥ Infographic-Chinese

On the rise and online: Female consumers in Asia-Chinese

On the rise and online: Female consumers in Asia

Navigating the waters of foreign exchange and international payments

Why read this report

  • One day of FX trading beats average daily trading in global stock markets by 28 to 1
  • Strategy, not the unmatched size of the market, is the biggest driver of FX trading at global companies
  • Global equity and fixed-income markets garner more headlines but volumes pale next to the FX volume

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