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What expatriates bring




Four in 10 executives believe more countries will leave euro zone after Grexit, EIU poll shows

An EIU flash poll of 1,437 senior executives highlights deep-seated concerns in the business community about a possible domino effect if Greece leaves the euro zone. Four in ten respondents think a Greek exit from the euro zone (a so-called "Grexit") would lead to additional countries leaving the single currency area over the next three to five years.

Likelihood and effects of a Grexit

The Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed a panel of global business leads on the Greek referendum.

Cashing out: How digitising payments can help achieve development goals

The UN’s Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa this week poses a crucial question: what investments are needed to actually deliver a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future? Countries that have invested in the shift to digital payments have a compelling answer.

Cashing out: How digitising payments can help achieve development goals

The UN’s Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa this week poses a crucial question: what investments are needed to actually deliver a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future? Countries that have invested in the shift to digital payments have a compelling answer.

The role of development agencies post-2015: Why we need to engage with private finance

One of the takeaway lessons from July's Financing for Development conference was the need to move beyond the traditional model of aid. Private finance—in one form or another—will be playing a lead role in the post-2015 development agenda, argues Machal Karim, a financial and private sector development consultant at international development consultancy, Oxford Policy Management.

The power of oil: Back to a new reality

This article considers the arc of developments in the oil industry. And reflects on the challenges, price movements and the need to have an energy dense transport fuel.

GCC Trade and Investment Flows

Africa is poised to move up global value chains as global firms source products and services from the continent

GCC Trade and Investment Flows - Chinese translation

GCC Trade and Investment Flows - Arabic Version

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