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Old problems, new solutions: Measuring the capacity for social innovation across the world

The Ninety-nine percent: How India has bridged the educational divide

Q&A with Anurag Behar, CEO of Azim Premji Foundation: Excerpts from an interview, as told to the EIU

India’s noble mansion? Not without expanding the middle class

Yuwa Hedrick-Wong and Rama Bijapurkar examine the state of economic progression in India on the anniversary of its independence

New report focuses on the app economy and what kinds of collaborations among governments, enterprises and startups are most useful

Evolving Development Goals in an evolving world

Can the success of one social or economic goal affect the success of many others? According to this report, yes. Policy goals cannot be addressed individually, especially as the world becomes more resource constrained. Interconnected strategies and cross-sector co-operation are becoming increasingly important.

Evolving development goals in an evolving world is an EIU report, sponsored by Microsoft, that explores how policymakers in both the developed and developing world prioritise social and environmental goals.


App Nations Market Briefing

Europe, including the UK, views the technology sector as important to its economic growth, according to a recent survey of government officials. And, officials say, governments are implementing a range of measures to support the app economy, most of which app executives find helpful. 

App Nations Executive Summary

This executive summary highlights findings from a study examining the state of interactions among three key stakeholder groups in the app economy—start-up and enterprise executives and government officials—with a particular focus on identifying the optimal role for governments in helping app businesses grow.

App Nations White Paper

This report, written by the EIU and sponsored by CA Technologies, surveyed 377executives from start-ups, enterprises and governments to examine both the state of the app economy and the optimal role that governments have in growing app-based businesses. Many government respondents view app companies as an important driver of economic and job growth in their nations, regions or localities.

US Mid-Market Enterprises: Confident in overseas investments in 2016

Case study - Hong Kong: A home for the factories of the future?

In his 2016 policy address, Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung identified a number of future-focused industries - robotics, elderly care and financial technology - as potential growth drivers for Hong Kong in the years ahead.

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