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Saudi Aramco IPO – an upside for the climate?




Closing address at The UK Energy Summit 2010

This video is one of the selected highlights from some of the experts on the subject of energy and the environment, as part of The Big Ideas Project. George Monbiot, Author and journalist, shared his thoughs on "the big CO2 emissions lie".

Prospects for global energy security and supply

In this session of The UK Energy Summit 2010, the speakers debate on what are the geo-political and risk implications firms need to be aware of with emerging economies staking their future economic prosperity on access to oil and gas.

Inside Ukraine -video 1

Inside Ukraine was a summit for European policy-makers, industry leaders, business executives, politicians and independent commentators. During one day of in-depth analysis and open debate we explored the potential to transform the country's energy sector to enable it to play a major role in European energy security. We also looked into Ukraine’s policy priorities for 2013 and what they mean for potential and existing investors.

Topics discussed included:

The Global energy Converstation Part II

The technological and political solutions that can help the world achieve its long-term energy goals and they were joined in discussion online by global experts, academics, corporates and media.

Managing the risk in renewable energy

Animated infographic showing the key findings on managing the risk in renewable energy analysis

Accelerating energy innovation

Dr. Dan Arvizu, Director and Chief Executive of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory, asks how sectoral innovation can be accelerated.

Alistair Buchanan: Why is there so much focus on gas?

In this video, part of The UK Energy Summit 2012, Alistair Buchanan CBE, Group Chief Executive, Ofgem, presents his views on why there is so much focus on gas.

UK Energy Summit 2013: Shale gas

An interview session examining the explosion of shale onto world energy stage.

The security challenge

Panel discussion on British energy security.

The role of gas in the UK energy mix

Vitaly Vasiliev, CEO of Gazprom marketing and trading, discusses the role of gas in the UK energy mix.

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