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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




Vibrant Economy

This series of blog posts and infographics, sponsored by Grant Thorton, seeks to explore how a vibrant economy can be scoped, shaped and developed in the UK.

With insights from leading experts across the UK's businesses, cities and public and third sector organisations, this series aims to stimulate ideas and actions that can create a vibrant economy – one which realises the shared potential of companies, cities, people and communities across the UK.


The future of climate-related disclosure

How can a low carbon economy impact global financial stability?

Are You Playing Climate Change Defence or Offence after Paris COP21?

By Mark W. McDivitt and Tim Nixon

Unleashing Rural Economies

Unleashing Rural Economies, sponsored by Syngenta, highlights the overlooked value of rural economies. The research modelled how global GDP, rural GDP and rural populations could evolve up to 2030, according to various scenarios. This includes rural growth being unleashed as policymakers implement measures to stimulate development and overcome underlying barriers.

Water security poses a significant threat to business

Water scarcity is one of the biggest challenges facing business today.

What the Paris Agreement means for the private sector

The Paris climate-change agreement endorses the low-carbon approach to doing business. More companies now need to embrace the new disclosure regime and set goals to help to meet the new climate targets, argues Paul Simpson, chief executive officer of the international not-for-profit CDP.

The combined impact of foreign direct investment and climate change

How can foreign direct investment impact emerging markets that are already struggling with the effects of climate change.

The 5 key takeaways from the Paris climate change agreement

The Paris Climate Change Conference (also known as COP21) is a political milestone in the global fight against climate change. All 195 participating countries agreed to the resulting Paris Agreement. Martin Koehring, senior editor at The Economist Intelligence Unit, examines the key lessons from the negotiations in five categories that matter the most: diplomacy, politics, law, business and economics.

Reasons for hope in a dangerous world

The Paris climate change negotiations have led to an encouraging global agreement. But there are more fundamental reasons to be hopeful that the world is moving towards sustainability, says Timothy Nixon from Thomson Reuters.

EU Circular Economy Package: a good start, but there’s more to do

The high-level objectives announced by the European Commission in its Circular Economy Package in early December have the potential to boost the resource efficiency and competitiveness of the EU economy. But it is the upcoming detail behind the Commission’s proposals that will determine the ultimate impact that this package will have, says Stuart Bailey, head of sustainability and climate change at National Grid, a UK-headquartered multinational electricity and gas utility company.

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