Road Tech: Addressing the challenges of traffic growth

Road Tech: Addressing the challenges of traffic growth is an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report, commissioned by Abertis, which examines the role of technology and smart engineering in addressing issues arising from the growth in traffic. 

Financial regulatory reform in uncertain times

No rest for the weary

A decade on from the global financial crisis, are policymakers and regulators starting to tire of imposing a seemingly endless drip-feed of new rules on financial services firms? With his regular warnings on the dangers of “reform fatigue”, Financial Stability Board (FSB) chairman Mark Carney certainly appears to think so.

Analysing value chain for the digital age - Interview with Michael Gorriz

How should companies best analyse their value chain for the digital age? We talk to Michael Gorriz, Group CIO of Standard Chartered Bank.

Strategic partnerships for the digital age - Interview with Carly Cummings

How do companies develop strategic partnerships for the digital age? We talk to Carly Cummings, CIO of Linfox International Group.

Defining a digital culture

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Most companies today have undergone some form of digital transformation—from digitising data, to using technology to improve processes, to creating online customer channels—and are now working through cycles of digital refinement. This process of refinement requires companies to be agile and flexible to keep up with the everchanging marketplace.

Analysing your value chain

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Throughout the industrial age, proprietary capabilities and customer access have long been blocks with which companies have built vertically integrated value chains. While these are still important parts of any organisation, technology has revolutionised the spread of information and given competitors and new entrants easier market access. This has simultaneously challenged many traditional value chains.

Choosing the right technology partner

The future of healthcare

Imagine being diagnosed by an AI doctor, having your organs 3D printed, or having nanometer-sized robots roaming around your body to monitor your health. Are you excited or scared? All of these technologies might seem like science fiction for now, but they could become reality in the next 25, or even 5 years.

Infographic: Third-Party Risks: The Cyber Dimension

Digital Refinement

In August 2017, the EIU conducted a research programme on digital refinement, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel. The study included interviews with six business technology leaders in India, Malaysia, Korea, Singapore and Australia, focusing on their experiences in driving digital refinements within their organisations. The research explored three pillars: analysing your value chain, choosing the right technology partner, and defining a digital culture.

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