Making the Most of Machine Learning: How will AI affect business process outsourcing?

Watch our video above to learn how AI will affect business processing and oursourcing from:

-Stanton Jones, Director and Principle Analyst, ISG

Making the Most of Machine Learning: How will AI change organisational culture and structure?

Watch our video above to learn how AI will change organisational culture and structure from:

-Stanton Jones, Director and Principle Analyst, ISG
-Suhir Jha, Head of Product Management Strategy, Infosys 
-Cliff Justice, Principle, Innovation & Enterprise Solutions, KPMG

Making the Most of Machine Learning: What are the advantages for business?

Watch our video above to learn about the advantages Machine Learning can offer your business from:

-Cliff Justice, Principle, Innovation & Enterprise Solutions, KPMG
-Suhir Jha, Head of Product Management Strategy, Infosys 

Making the Most of Machine Learning

Research conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and written in discussion with SAP shows that many organizations are moving ahead now, some aggressively, to integrate ML into their operations. For example, the survey of 360 organizations shows that on average 68% use ML to at least some extent today to enhance their business processes.

Making the Most of Machine Learning

ML is not just a technology; it is core to the business strategies that have led to the surging value of organizations that incorporate it into their operating models—think Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb. Fast Learner organizations get that. 

Fewer Fast Learners than other organizations suffer from a lack of strategic clarity about ML. And fewer are plagued by organizational resistance to change. The reason may be that ML is viewed as more than a tactical tool for simply automating away costs and people. 

オリンピックのオッズ: 自動運転が日本の自動車大手に与えるインパクトとは?

日本政府と大手自動車メーカーは、オリンピックを非公式な期限として、次世代型の新しい 自動運転車の開発を進めている。日本が目指すのは、1964年のオリンピックにおける快挙 を再現することだ。当時、最初の高速鉄道『新幹線』が登場し、これによって、日本は輸送 のパイオニアとしての評判を確立した。 

しかし、全自動運転車の市場導入について、これよりはるかにアグレッシブな計画を発表しているグローバルな競合企業もある。中には、向こう数年のうちに主要都市の道路に登場する可能性があるものも見られる。Boston Consulting Groupでは、2035年までに、世界で販売される車の4分の1は自動運転が可能になると予想している。

日本の自動車メーカーは、現在の市場地位を保持したいのであれば急がねばならないかも しれない。 

Olympian odds: How autonomous driving could shake up Japan’s auto behemoths

Japan’s government and major carmakers have set the Olympics as an unfficial deadline for launching a new generation of autonomous vehicles (AVs). The hope is that Japan can repeat its triumph at the 1964 Olympics, when the first high-speed shinkansen (bullet train) was unveiled, cementing the country’s reputation as a transport pioneer. 

Mobile Seoul: How South Korea is catching up in the race for autonomous driving

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Infographic: Pioneering Leadership

Communication barriers in the modern workplace

It wasn’t long ago that a work meeting meant gathering around a table to discuss an agenda. These days you may be using Slack, Hangouts or other digital collaboration platforms that blend messaging with video and allow real-time editing of documents. Even with these tools, communication at work can still break down, potentially endangering careers, creating stressful work environments and slowing growth.

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