Results of a global talent survey

In this video, Paul Lewis, Managing Editor, Executive Briefing at the Economist Intelligence Unit, presents the EIU survey on businesses' solutions to big picture strategic HR and talent management issues.

Linking Talent Strategies with business goals

In his keynote address at The Talent Management Summit 2011, Hugh Mitchell, Chief Human Resources and Corporate Officer at Royal Dutch Shell, demonstrates how linking talent strategies with clearly defined objectives brings success.

Driving business priorities with workforce planning

Robert Guest, Business Editor of The Economist, chairs a panel at The Talent Management Summit 2011 examining how strategic workforce planning can help companies identify the talent it needs to proactively execute their business strategies.

Promoting a culture of leaders developing leaders

As part of The Talent Management Summit 2011, this panel discussed how senior team members can be easily turned into talent leaders and how can a cross-functional and cross-company collaboration in developing talent be encouraged.

On leadership behaviours for the future

As part of The Talent Management Summit 2011, this video shows a panel discussing how companies should to take a good look at their leadership talent to prepare for complex challenges ahead.

Building a compelling employee value proposition

As part of The Talent Management Summit 2011, this session featured companies with innovative employee value proposition initiatives, with a strong focus on why they’ve worked, and how they’ve made a difference.

Closing address at The Talent Management Summit 2011

Susan Peters, Vice-president, Executive Development and Chief Learning Officer at GE, exaplained how GE identifies and builds leaders through GE Global Learning, and how leadership development is changing as business becomes more and more global.

Chair's summation and close of the talent management summit

In this video, Robert Guest, Business Editor at The Economist, provides the summation and closing remarks as Chair of The Talent Management Summit 2011.

Leading the talent driven business

At The Talent Management Summit 2011, Phil Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Cisco UK and Ireland, examined the critical role the chief executive officer plays in strategy-driven talent management.

A talent for people

In this panel, part of The CFO Summit 2010, Evelyn Bourke, Chief Financial Officer, Friends Provident, spoke about how to keep people energised, motivated, and focused on a vision when times are tough, and how to address the skill-set of your team.

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