Tackling mental health in Egypt

In October 2024, the Global Congress on Population, Health and Human Development (PHDC) convened industry leaders, healthcare professionals, academics, and government officials to exchange insights on prioritising human development through a specific focus on education, economic opportunity, social welfare, and overall well-being.

Sounding the alarm: parent perceptions of teen mental health in the US

Despite receiving more attention in recent years, research shows an increasing number of teens dealing with mental health challenges. The 1,100 US parents surveyed for this study reinforced COVID-19’s acceleration of mental health challenges among US teens. Nearly 80% of parents reported new or increased signals of potential mental health issues from their teen, including anxiety, depression and/or behavioral issues. 

Embracing innovation in mental health

Despite recent widespread recognition of the need to improve mental health care in the US, individuals continue to experience numerous unmet needs across the care pathway. Challenges persist for accessing care, understanding mental illness, delivering quality care and measuring the true burden of these conditions. While encouraging developments have occurred and promising innovations emerge, standalone solutions are not enough. 

Together for mental health: towards a sustainable and scalable model of mental health care in the United Arab Emirates

Good mental health is integral to the functioning, wellbeing and performance of individuals, communities, society, and the economy. Yet, mental health remains one of the most neglected areas of public health. On average, mental health accounts for just 2% of overall health budgets. Access to quality mental health services remains a challenge globally, with barriers including awareness, availability, affordability, and stigma.

Mental health at work: From promise to practice

A hidden crisis made visible

Before the pandemic, mental health was often treated as an afterthought to physical health in the support offered by employers. A steady rise in ‘workforce wellness’ programs has clearly been underway in the US, driven by factors including the need to contain healthcare costs and attract and retain talent. Additionally, more progressive companies have recognised the close links between engaged employees and better business outcomes.




在高峰时段沿北京拥挤的环路行驶,对于疲惫不堪的通勤者而言,简直是考验耐性。在亚洲最大的都市,尽管各个方面的城市生活都很费力,但繁重的交通常常会让人产生一种特别原始的反应——2015年困扰中国道路的 1,700 万起“路怒”事件就是明证。1 然而,随着城市不断扩建,交通等城市扩张带来的问题也变得愈发尖锐。其影响不仅是造成不便,还会以各种方式影响一个人的心理健康。主要对西方城市进行的研究显示,城市居民的精神疾病发病率比农村居民高。2


亚洲城市属于全球人口最密集的城市之列,其特点是高耸的公寓楼、拥挤的街道和拥堵的交通系统。 当下的城市在未来是否有可能扩张或萎缩,这一点对居民的态度有强烈影响,而且很明显,并不是所有的亚洲城市都在朝着同一个方向前进。

人们普遍认为,亚洲拥挤的城市地区给人们造成了心理和精神压力,这在很大程度上是正确的,但这只是事情的一个方面。在 Pure Group 的支持下,经济学人智库对东亚和东南亚的以下五个城市的 1,000 名居民进行了一项调查:北京、香港、上海、新加坡和台北。我们发现,城市生活的种种压力有着令人惊讶的差异和重叠区域,这给城市规划者和个人造成了独特的挑战,而这些挑战是双方都要应对的问题。



亚洲城市属于全球人口最密集的城市之列,其特点是高耸的公寓楼、拥挤的街道和拥堵的交通系统。 当下的城市在未来是否有可能扩张或萎缩,这一点对居民的态度有强烈影响,而且很明显,并不是所有的亚洲城市都在朝着同一个方向前进。

为了评估这种情绪,在 Pure Group 的支持下,经济学人智库 (EIU) 对以下五个亚洲城市的 1,000 位受访者进行了一项调查:北京、香港、上海、新加坡和台北。结果显示,北京和上海的居民对目前的过度拥挤情况感到不满,但对未来非常乐观,而香港和新加坡受访者的表现则正好相反,台北的受访者介于中间。这可能是由于中国大陆的官方举措限制了人口的流入,并提高了城市容纳更多居民的能力——许多人希望在香港和新加坡效仿这种策略。

How stress impacts decision-making

Stress is the decision maker’s worst enemy. As John Maule, emeritus professor of human decision-making at Leeds University Business School, explains in this video, feelings of stress interfere with effective decision-making in a variety of ways.

The video explores why stress forces us to rely on intuitive and bias-prone thinking, and what decision-makers can do to mitigate the impact of stress on their decisions.

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