Employee well-being matters (a lot)…

Why is the proposition that employee well-being goes hand in hand with business performance still regarded as a question rather than a fact?

Wind of change

Mitigating climate risks: An interview with John Firth, CEO of Acclimatise

No excuse for complicity in corruption

Businesses that do not address corruption are not only risking their own fortunes – they are complicit in a blight on society

Fraud on the rise

Fraud remains a widespread problem regardless of the industry or region in which businesses operate.

The ‘capital-lite’ generation

The real issues affecting SME growth and the wider economy.

The missing piece in the SME puzzle?

With the growing complexity of technology – and the speed, evolution and nature of new ways of working – there is a growing chasm amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) between those on board the technology express and those with their heads buried in the sand waiting for the storm to pass.

Supply Chain Global Governance

Five years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the post-financial crisis world has played out quite differently from the dominant narrative of the immediate aftermath.

Wanted: SME flexibility

David Cameron, the UK Prime Minister, regularly talks about the need for the UK to compete in the ‘global race’ which, among other conditions, requires a competitive tax regime, an effective education and skills system and public support for exports.

Troubled waters

While at the start of the 20th century most commercial disputes centred on railroads, the big commercial cases now are more concerned with technology and intellectual property (IP). In fact the value of stolen corporate IP is strikingly high: two surveys conducted by ASIS International, a security-industry body, estimate the value to be US$300bn for the US alone and US$1trn worldwide.

Welcoming your new robot overlords

The global economy can't have its China and sell to it, too. A China that continues to grow at or above 8%, as its workforce ages (and, if our EIU estimates are right, starts to decline after next year) and its wages double every five years, is believed to be unsustainable.

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